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Minneapolis City Council President “We Are Re-Imagining Public Safety”…. #TheRedpill #Politics

Perhaps the best visible representative for the fantasy social-justice world that exists between AOC’s ears is the Minneapolis City Council President, Lisa Bender.

With just the right amount of socially significant tattooing to claim credibility for ‘the movement’, Ms. Bender takes a break from life amid sustainable algae cakes and lattes to share the world of her social network’s imaginings.

In this interview snippet Wolf Blitzer asks Ms. Bender who’s going to respond to a violent shooter if there’s no police force?… Ms. Bender admits no-one knows, but through the process of collective “re-imagining”, the Minnesota world of public safety will look quite different. WATCH:


Yes, Ms. Bender… Indeed, once you get rid of the police, everything in your world of re-imaginings will look entirely different.  In that regard you are 100% correct.

The problem for Council President Bender is that everyone outside of her loony leftist community knows exactly what will happen.  It doesn’t need to be imagined.

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