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MSNBC's Deutsch: Trump 'Drunk,' Biden the 'Designated Driver' #Political

Donny Deutsch was trying to paint Joe Biden as a comforting figure. But he picked perhaps the worst, most unintentionally hilarious, metaphor imaginable: Joe Biden at the wheel of a car as the nation's "designated driver." He doesn't somehow see that Biden's often bumbling interview answers make you wonder if he would know where he's supposed to drive.

On today's Morning Joe, riffing off poll numbers showing that 80% of the country thinks things are out of control, Deutsch said: 

"Everybody's been so worried about Joe Biden, is he the right guy? I think he’s the perfect guy. He is comfort. We have a drunk driver, he’s the designated driver to get us home."

What makes Donny's metaphor even more inapt is that President Trump, the supposed "drunk driver," is in real life a teetotaler. 

DONNY DEUTSCH: I want to go back, Joe, to all of that. That one number: 80% of this country thinks we’re out of control. The concept of control is such an important thing, that literally four-out-of-five Americans think we are out of control; the president is out of control. Also I’m sure you’re going to get this a little bit later: a Politico/Consult poll, just about 70% think we are seriously on the wrong track. Those are stunning numbers, whether you're in March, April, May, June, July, or August. Those are powerful, powerful numbers. 

And the thing that I think plays so against the president. Everybody's been so worried about Joe Biden, is he the right guy? I think he’s the perfect guy. He is comfort. We have a drunk driver, he’s the designated driver to get us home. 

Later in the show, Deutsch veered from bad metaphor to hyperbolic fear-mongering. He issued a "warning" that President Trump, like a "caged animal," is capable of doing anything the mind can imagine to win re-election. Specifically, Deutsch declared that the president would descend to "the lowest step," and "cheat, steal, start a war, rig an election." 

Deutsch concluded his jeremiad by warning that "the next five months will be five of the most tumultuous months our country has ever seen throughout history."

Donny must have skipped school when they studied the Civil War.

It's one thing for Democrats to point to alleged outrages Trump committed in the recent past. But they simply cannot stop making the wildest predictions that Trump is going to come unglued and ruin America's future. These are the kind of tactics that the liberal media and the Democrats used in 2018, and they think it'll work again for Biden in 2020.

DONNY DEUTSCH: There is no rebranding with this candidate--with this president. Because he would not rebrand himself. He's not capable of it, he doesn't want to. He's going to double, triple, quadruple down.

And I want to give a brand warning out there, because we need to buckle up. Wherever your imagination can take you, what this brand would do: cheat, steal, start a war, rig an election. Wherever your mind can take you, that is what he is capable of. So I want to give a brand warning. June 1st [the walk to St. John's Episcopal Church] was just the beginning. Buckle up. Things we have not even thought about historically will happen. Like I said, even him starting a war. Wherever your mind can take you, the lowest step, what this caged, caged animal — I’m not literally calling him an animal but what a caged animal would do, he is capable of doing. I think the next five months will be five of the most tumultuous months our country has ever seen throughout history.

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