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Nets Cover Up Strzok Notes Showing Obama/Biden Guided Flynn Probe #Political

While the broadcast networks spent over seven combined minutes (7:25) Wednesday evening huffing about a D.C. appeals court ordering the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn be dropped, and suggesting that Attorney General William Barr was corrupt, ABC, CBS, and NBC were on a mission to cover up evidence that President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden had a hand in the Russia probe. They also blacked out how Biden had lied about not knowing anything about the investigation.

In heavily redacted notes released on Wednesday, anti-Trump FBI Agent Peter Strzok wrote down what Obama had told him and disgraced FBI Director James Comey to do. As transcribed by The Federalist:

NSA-D-DAG = [Flynn cuts?]. Other countries

D-DAG: lean forward on [unclass?]

VP: “Logan Act”

P: These are unusual time

VP: I’ve been on the intel cmte for ten years and I never

P: Make sure you look at things + have the right people on it

P: Is there anything I shouldn’t be telling transition team?

D: Flynn –> Kislyak calls but appear legit

[illegible] Happy New Year. Yeah right

The notes suggested Obama had taken a particular interest in the investigation and wanted to what he should keep hidden from the Trump transition team. And Biden had referred to the Logan Act.

This contradicted what Biden had told ABC last month. As reported by Fox News correspondent David Spunt on Wednesday’s Special Report:

VP JOE BIDEN: I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, number one. Number two, this is all about diversion.

SPUNT: Seconds later, he changed his answer, acknowledging he was aware of the investigation.

BIDEN: I'm sorry, I was aware that they asked for an investigation but that's all I know about it and I don't think anything else.

The presumptive Democratic nominee was also the last name on a list of people who had requested for Flynn to be unmasked.

On the part of Strzok’s notes that showed Comey had referred to Flynn’s calls with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak as “legit” or “legitimate,” The Federalist recalled: “Until this week, this exculpatory information was withheld from Flynn and his defense team, multiple congressional committees, and the American public.”

Adding: “All parties agree, however, on the main substance of the meeting, which was a discussion of how to target Flynn for his ‘legit’ phone calls and withhold vital national security information from the newly elected presidential administration.”

This cover-up from the broadcast networks would be shocking, if it weren’t so predictable.

The cover-up was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline on ABC, Acura on CBS, and WeatherTech on NBC. Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:

Fox News Channel’s Special Report
June 24, 2020
6:02:23 p.m. Eastern


DAVID SPUNT: Flynn's legal team claims these heavily redacted notes were written by former FBI Agent Peter Strzok and the notes point to a meeting between then-President Obama, Vice President Biden and FBI Director James Comey in early January, 2017.

According to the notes, President Obama allegedly said, “make sure your look over things and have the right people on it” and “is there anything I shouldn't be telling the transition team?” Director Comey apparently use the word "Legit," when talking about calls between Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Biden was asked about the Flynn investigation last month.

VP JOE BIDEN: I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, number one. Number two, this is all about diversion.

SPUNT: Seconds later, he changed his answer, acknowledging he was aware of the investigation.

BIDEN: I'm sorry, I was aware that they asked for an investigation but that's all I know about it and I don't think anything else.


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