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New video by Judicial Watch on YouTube #JudicialWatch

International Anti-Trump Coup? Ukrainians, Clinton Gang & Obama Admin Tried to Subvert Trump!

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on the Fox Business Network to discuss Ukrainian officials announcing they intercepted a $6 mil. bribe attempt to stop a criminal investigation into Burisma founder Zlochevsky; Sen. Johnson wanting to know why former V.P. Biden urged Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin to be fired; former Acting DNI Grenell saying the Obama administration blew the chance for a peaceful transition by spying on the incoming Trump administration; the recent Supreme Court ruling regarding sex discrimination; President Trump expecting to take legal action to block former National Security Advisor Bolton's tell-all book; and more! Donate today! ► Subscribe on YouTube! ► Check out our website ► "Like" us on Facebook ► Follow us on Twitter ►
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