Devin Nunes Discusses Flynn Case and Durham Criminal Investigation… #TheRedpill #Politics
HPSCI ranking member Devin Nunes appears on Fox Business with Jackie deAngelis to discuss the latest developments in the Michael Flynn case and the John Durham investigation. WATCH:
Additionally (Hat Tip Techno-fog) who helps connect some dots left during recent comments by DOJ Spokesperson Kerri Kupek about “delays in proceedings” and what might be the most likely cause. Good stuff, that makes buckets of sense.
I cannot (yet) go into details without seriously undermining my own efforts. However, this previous GJ delay completely aligns with my own boots-on-the-ground information; and the previous statements by AG Bill Barr and DOJ Spox Kerri Kupec.
Keep smilin’…
And more importantly, keep living your best life…
I’m back on the road tomorrow… and things are good.
When we originally mapped this out, the mid-August timeline always appeared to be the inflection point. That’s why I made it my own target date to organize massive ‘Phase-2’ sunlight in the event Barr/Durham failed to deliver. Everything is proceeding swimmingly.
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