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DOJ Spox Kerri Kupec Updates on Multiple High-Profile Investigations… #TheRedpill #Politics

A double dose of DOJ Spokesperson Kerri Kupec today.  Pay attention to the nuance of certainty and emphatic assurance in regard to the Durham probe and Flynn case vis-a-vis Judge Sullivan’s position.   There is no doubt in the emphasis of Ms. Kupec as she updates on the status of both. Noteworthy:  the ongoing effort of USAO Jeff Jensen.

It’s not what Kupec says that’s important, it’s the lack of ambiguity in how she is saying it. Her unique position, and her emphatic attributes, make Kerri Kupec an important element in understanding the arc of these investigations.    Be of good cheer. Can confirm.


FYI Tomorrow is a critical day of advanced prep for next phase, Thr/Fri. My writing will be minimal – 72 hours from now things may be remarkably different than today.

Lift your spirits.  I cannot tell you how much of a difference it makes right now; not only to this internet community but to our nation as a whole.   Choose to be optimistic. Live your best life, RIGHT NOW, there are people working furiously and with great purpose. Remember, this is the only life we have – so seize this day, and then the next, and then keep going.

We live in the greatest nation on the face of the earth. We are the people of that nation, with boundless opportunities most of the world can only dream of.  Our opposition has nothing but false witness, fear and lies.  Push on them, they are weak and shallow.

We are Americans…. Those who are working against our interests thrive in an atmosphere of despair and disenfranchisement – do not give it to them.  Carry an optimistic spirit, regardless of how challenging. I cannot explain it, but that makes success more certain.

Do not fuel our opposition with the power of fear.  Be strong right now; be happy right now; even if you have to fake it.  Demand action. You are worth it. Do not give evil elements an inch of space within your heart.   Expect and demand accountability.  Do not worry about being perceived as an a**hole about it.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Quit listening to those who say “can’t” and “won’t”…

If some feel comfortable sitting in their socially distant box and bitching about all things that are not right, or might be not be right…. Or, if they prefer to allow themselves to be overcome with dark imaginings simply because what cannot be done is more comfortable than the effort to oversee what needs to be done…. well, that’s okay.

They can do that.

And when they are done doing that they’ll still be in the same place.

Separate yourself from them.  I swear you this: I have carried a level of professional cynicism that would crumble most, yet -right now- I am more confident than ever.

The goal is in sight.. a blinding light… truth cannot be avoided; unless we allow it. Recent events have only confirmed this to be true.  Rally your spirits to a standard of worthiness; because you are worth so much more.

We are on the right side of history.  We are being guided. It is rather remarkable.

Again, thanks for your support.  Every prayer is felt, and I really believe those prayers are making a difference.  Things are falling into place, doors opening, in a way that can only be described as guided. I’m seriously humbled.  Prayerfully so…  Failure is not in our lexicon.

This is the most complex undertaking I could ever imagine; and yet -even so- things are looking better than I thought possible.  Turn fear into determination; give up the worries to make room for winning.  We’ve got this.

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