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LAME! Biden Sucks Up to Radical Joy Reid: I Was Thinking of You as VP! #Political

On Monday, longtime MSNBC host Joy Reid debuted her new show The ReidOut, taking the slot of Hardball. And in an unapologetic signal that it will be nothing short of an extension of the Biden 2020 campaign, Reid's first guest was none other than Ol' Lunch Bucket Joe himself.

As part of Biden's latest softball interview from his basement (aka his safe space), Biden sucked up to Reid by facetiously claiming that he had been "thinking of you for vice-president, and then you took this job."

If you're still here and didn't find that creepy or weird enough to be grossed out, Biden and Reid had an extended goodbye reminiscent of Biden's March 24 interview with Nicolle Wallace. This time, however, it was Biden repeatedly telling Reid how proud he was of her (click "expand"):

BIDEN: Anyway, thank you. I wish you were --- I wish you the best of luck.

REID: Thank you. Thank you very much.

BIDEN: I'm really -- presumptuous for me to say I'm proud of you for doing this. 

REID: Thank you.

BIDEN: It's a presumptuous thing to say, but it really is beyond time. Thank you.

REID: Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President. We really appreciate it. Good luck with the campaign.

Joy Reid Joe Biden The ReidOut 7-20-20Sure, Biden's suggestion that he had been considering Reid as his running mate was simply some swarmy sycophancy from the old pol to a former Obama campaign official debuting not her first but second attempt at a weekday MSNBC show. 

But for Joe to even joke about considering someone like Reid, with her history of hateful rhetoric — as NewsBusters documented earlier Monday and for years prior — showed much about how far left Biden and his friends have drifted.

Note that Biden launched his line about considering Reid as his VP after she tried to pin him down about committing to choosing a black woman as his running mate, pointing out that black women had "shored up" what had been his failing candidacy during the primaries. 

A surprisingly feisty Biden pushed back: "By the way, black women have supported me my entire career. You all act like there was an epiphany in South Carolina."

Earlier in the interview, it should be noted that Reid offered no pushback when Biden made this boast this about election integrity and fear-mongered Reid's viewers into questioning the integrity of our election systems due to the threat of Russia (click "expand"): 

We've 10,000 people have [sic] volunteered. We're going to try to get them plugged in as poll workers. Not for us, but running, running the mechanisms in the states, that they work for the state operations because last time --- I don't want this excuse that the reason why closed down or --- I'm making the number up, but there are 30 places -- 30 polling places in a predominantly minority neighborhood, but now there's only five because we don't have enough poll workers.

So, we're --- we're --- we're doing everything we possibly can to make sure that we are making contact with every governor and every person in charge of the electoral process in their states, I can't do anything about what is going on in Russia except respond and Putin knows I mean what I say. This is a violation of our sovereignty --- our sovereignty and, if in fact it occurs, there will be response in kind. It will not go unstated, unnoticed, or unreported.

The segment with the oleaginous Ol' Joe was, appropriately, brought to you by Oil of Olay. Follow the link to our Conservative Fight Back page to contact Olay to let them know what their advertising dollars supported.

Here's the transcript (click "expand"):

MSNBC's The ReidOut
7:12 p.m. Eastern

JOE BIDEN: We've 10,000 people have [sic] volunteered. We're going to try to get them plugged in as poll workers. Not for us, but running, running the mechanisms in the states, that they work for the state operations because last time --- I don't want this excuse that the reason why closed down or --- I'm making the number up, but there are 30 places -- 30 polling places in a predominantly minority neighborhood, but now there's only five because we don't have enough poll workers. So, we're --- we're --- we're doing everything we possibly can to make sure that we are making contact with every governor and every person in charge of the electoral process in their states, I can't do anything about what is going on in Russia except respond and Putin knows I mean what I say. This is a violation of our sovereignty --- our sovereignty and, if in fact it occurs, there will be response in kind. It will not go unstated, unnoticed, or unreported.


7:16 p.m Eastern

JOY REID: Most African-Americans that I have talked to on a daily basis are very concerned that black women in particular have been the heartbeat of the Democratic party for a long time, really shored you up in places like South Carolina. Are you committed to naming a black woman as your vice-presidential running mate?

BIDEN: I am not committed to naming any but the people I've named and among them are four black women. So, that decision is under way right now. And by the way, black women have supported me my entire career. You all act like all of a sudden, there’s an epiphany in South Carolina. I have had over a 96 percent, 94 percent rating in the state with the eighth-largest black community in the United States of America: Delaware. And so, they are the ones as the old saying goes, brought me to the dance. I have been loyal, and they have been loyal to me.


7:19 p.m. Eastern

BIDEN: By the way, we were thinking of you as vice-president, and then you took this job. [REID LAUGHS] So, you know, what can we do, you know?

REID: Well I appreciate being considered.

BIDEN: Anyway, thank you. I wish you were --- I wish you the best of luck.

REID: Thank you. Thank you very much.

BIDEN: I'm really -- presumptuous for me to say I'm proud of you for doing this. 

REID: Thank you.

BIDEN: It's a presumptuous thing to say, but it really is beyond time. Thank you.

REID: Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President. We really appreciate it. Good luck with the campaign.

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