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Nets Side With Antifa Terrorists in ‘Literal War’ on Portland Streets #Political

It was just 24 hours ago that the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were playing stupid about the weeks of violence in Portland, Oregon, claiming there was “no explanation” for the Department of Homeland Security arresting Antifa terrorists trying to burn down the federal courthouse. Now, on Tuesday, those same networks took up positions on Antifa’s side of the battle line; blaming federal agents for the violence and chaos.

The CBS Evening News carried the most water Antifa’s thugs. “Tonight, the mayors of several big cities including New York and Chicago are warning the President not to send federal officers to patrol their streets. The mayors are alarmed by the ongoing violence in Portland, Oregon where protesters have battled for weeks with police and officers from the Department of Homeland Security,” declared anchor Norah O’Donnell, suggesting federal agents were the problem.

Even though federal agents had been responding to attacks on the courthouse for well over 50 consecutive nights, correspondent Carter Evans painted DHS officers as a roving band of assailants targeting innocent protesters. “Round after round of tear gas and rubber bullets fired into the crowd by federal agents is becoming a nightly routine,” he began his report.

Evans spoke with one Antifa member who suggested the clashes were “literal war,” and complained that he couldn’t shoot federal officers:

EVANS: This unnamed protester says he collected some of the spent ammunition. [TO ANTIFA TERRORIST] What was it like when they all came out there.

ANTIFA TERRORIST: War. Literal war, except you can't fire back on your enemy.

It’s disturbing that CBS thought this was okay to include and frame as legitimate. It told us a lot about who they are.

Despite showing a soundbite of acting-DHS secretary Chad Wolf defending his officers from comparison to Nazi storm troopers and Gestapo, Evans continued to insist that those smears were accurate, even leaning on Democrats to do it. “Mayors from six cities have written the Trump administration demanding the President ‘take immediate action to withdraw your forces,’” he reported.

Towards the end of his report, Evans spoke with an E.R. doctor (“who’s also a county commissioner”) who attended the riots and was tear-gassed. “What the Trump administration calls anarchy, is sort of what we call democracy,” the woman told CBS.

But a photo Evans shared of her at the riots showed that she was also a member of the so-called “Portland Moms,” who claim they’re there to protect the rioters from the feds. But new video shows that those same moms have also taken part in trying to break into the courthouse to burn it down.

Meanwhile, on ABC’s World News Tonight, Kayna Whitworth continued her shoddy reporting, also suggesting the feds were to blame. “The protests start out peacefully here every night and then gradually turn into chaos. The mayor tells me that it's the presence and actions of federal law enforcement agents that have led to an increase in violence and vandalism,” she declared, putting her hands on her hips as if to state it as a matter of fact.

And on NBC Nightly News, correspondent Gabe Gutierrez shared his dismay that agents were in Portland to defend a building. “The Trump administration says it sent federal agents to Portland, Oregon, to defend federal buildings against violent attacks. But the mayor there says that escalated the conflict,” he huffed (emphasis his).

The lines were drawn on the streets of Portland, and the media have taken the side of radical left-wing terrorists.

This network support for left-wing terrorists was made possible with lucrative sponsorships from Humria on CBS, Ensure on ABC, and Farmers Insurance on NBC. Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click expand to read:

CBS Evening News
July 21, 2020
6:44:47 p.m. Eastern

NORAH O’DONNELL: Tonight, the mayors of several big cities including New York and Chicago are warning the President not to send federal officers to patrol their streets. The mayors are alarmed by the ongoing violence in Portland, Oregon where protesters have battled for weeks with police and officers from the Department of Homeland Security. Here's CBS's Carter Evans.

[Cuts to video]

CARTER EVANS: Round after round of tear gas and rubber bullets fired into the crowd by federal agents is becoming a nightly routine. This unnamed protester says he collected some of the spent ammunition.

What was it like when they all came out there.

ANTIFA TERRORIST: War. Literal war, except you can't fire back on your enemy.

EVANS: Portland's federal courthouse has been attacked repeatedly and today the Department of Homeland Security said they have to protect it.

CHAD WOLF (acting secretary, DHS): They are not military. They are civilian police officers. These police officers are not storm troopers; they are not the Gestapo as some described them.

EVANS: Mayors from six cities have written the Trump administration demanding the President “take immediate action to withdraw your forces.”

MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT (D-Chicago): We're not going to have tyranny in the city of Chicago.

EVANS: Today, Defense Secretary Mark Esper raised concerns about the officer’s military-style fatigues. And Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon is calling for an investigation. He says the federal agents’ actions may be unconstitutional.

SEN. RON WYDEN (D-OR): We're also going to take steps to try to legislate a way to rein in these federal abuses.

EVANS: Among those tear gassed. E.R. Doctor Sharon Meieran, who’s also a county commissioner.

SHANON MEIERAN: What the Trump administration calls anarchy, is sort of what we call democracy.

[Cuts back to live]

EVANS: Well, this is the federal courthouse that officer say they are to protect. And there is damage. Right across the street is where protesters are staged. And they say they’ll be back again tonight. Norah.

O’DONNELL: Carter Evans. Thank you.

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