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WHAT?! CNN's Bell: 'The System Is Designed to Make Sure' Minorities, Poor 'Get Sick' #Political

On Friday night, comedian, divisive leftist, and documentarian W. Kamau Bell joined Chris Cuomo to preview the fifth season of CNN's docuseries United Shades of America and, in a galling, vile slam against America and her people, he ghoulishly claimed that "the system" exists so that a dream can be achieved of ensuring the poor and racial minorities suffer.

Of course, Bell extended this to include police brutality and making certain that COVID-19 disproportionately affects both groups of people.

Cuomo led into Bell's answer by asking him about what could be done about the fact that the virus has hit poor and minority communities disproportionately hard: "And we see it in the pandemic also. Who's getting sick more? Poor, brown. Who's dying more? Poor, brown. Who has to work more? Poor, brown. It's part of social justice. How do you take it on?"

If Cuomo wanted a serious answer that addressed issues of cause and effect, multiple variables, and/or a reminder that correlation does not imply causation, Bell declined.

Instead, Bell conspiratorially argued that "the system" is purposefully designed for people to get sick:

I think we really have to be honest about the fact that the people who are getting sick the most, the poor black folks as you’re saying, the poor brown folks as you’re saying, the poor indigenous folks. The system is designed to make sure they get sick ‘cause they’re on the bottom.

Bell didn't say who would want such a purposefully wretched system, but instead doubled down: "This is how the system is designed to work" and the only way to fix it is "have to really invest in tearing the system down and starting over if you want things to change."

Continuing on the theme of a lack of details, Bell didn't specify what exactly the current system should be replaced by, nor did Cuomo ask.

This segment was sponsored by T-Mobile. Follow the link to help fight back against the divisive hate on CNN and their advertisers who help make this rhetoric possible.

Here is a transcript for the July 17 show:

CNN's Cuomo Prime Time
July 17, 2020
9:56 PM ET

CHRIS CUOMO: I mean, we got to do better than is and we see it in the pandemic also. Who's getting sick more? Poor, brown. Who's dying more? Poor, brown. Who has to work more? Poor, brown. It's part of social justice. How do you take it on? 

W. KAMAU BELL: I think we really have to be honest about the fact that the people who are getting sick the most, the poor black folks as you’re saying, the poor brown folks as you’re saying, the poor indigenous folks, the system is designed to make sure they get sick ‘cause they’re on the bottom. I mean, the system is built on top of us as we talk about in the episode. This is how the system is designed to work. We have to really invest in tearing the system down and starting over if you want things to change. 

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