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When Will CNN Stop Lying? Network Declares Biden and Clinton ‘Moderates’ #Political

On Monday’s New Day, CNN co-host John Berman brought on left-wing Democratic New York Congressional candidate Jamaal Bowman to preach the party's radical agenda. Berman even blatantly lied about the direction of the Democratic Party by describing Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton as “moderate.”

Berman cheered the primary victory of his leftist guest: "A stunning political upset, a 16-term incumbent and the Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Democratic Congressman Eliot Engel defeated in a primary race here in New York by former educator Jamaal Bowman." The host then congratulated Bowman for accomplishing "quite an achievement."  

Minutes later, after teeing up the radical Democrat for a routine round of Trump bashing, Berman absurdly tried to suggest that Joe Biden was moderate compared to Bowman:

Now you ran very much as a new progressive here in New York. How would you say your politics align with that of the Democratic nominee Joe Biden?

The idea of Biden being a moderate is a joke. Biden just created his policy platform with the help of far-left, communism-loving Bernie Sanders. Sanders even said that Biden might be the “most progressive president since FDR.” Among many radical proposals, Biden plans to spend $2 trillion on fighting climate change, transition all Americans to electric cars by 2035, and to raise taxes by $4 trillion. Biden also said that the police have “become the enemy.”

Berman then laughably referred to other extreme Democratic politicians as “moderate” and "centrist": 

Have you heard from some of these Democratic colleagues who people might call more moderate or more centrist, including the ones who endorsed your opponent, I'm thinking about Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, I'm sure I'm leaving people out here.

There is nothing “moderate” about these statist ideologues. They have endorsed Black Lives Matter, a radical, anti-American, Marxist organization. In Congress, Pelosi and Schumer have conspired to try to pass the HEROES Act for coronavirus, which would spend $3 trillion, legalize all illegal immigrants within U.S. borders, and prevent the deportation of violent criminals and gang members. But Berman has to help the Democrats in the upcoming election, which means lying about certain politicians to make them seem more palatable to the American public.

Berman then suggested that radicals like Bowman could be the “future of the Democratic Party.” Hopefully not so for the American people. Bowman has called for radical policies such as slavery reparations and defunding the police.

CNN has an election to win for Biden, and it will lie about his and other Democrats' intentions if that ensures his victory in November.

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Read the full July 20th transcript here:

CNN New Day


7:53:58 AM

JOHN BERMAN: A stunning political upset, a 16-term incumbent and the Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Democratic Congressman Eliot Engel defeated in a primary race here in New York by former educator Jamaal Bowman. And Jamaal Bowman joins me now. First off, congratulations, quite an achievement. But the timing of this, it took nearly a month to declare you the winner here. So, what concerns does that raise for you in terms of the coming November election, how long it will take to figure out maybe who wins the presidential race?

JAMAAL BOWMAN (D - NY CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE): Correct. You know, not just for me, but for the entire country. You know, even on election night we had people waiting in two and three hour lines just to vote. So, we need massive investments and our Board of Elections to prepare for the mail-in ballots that are going to be -- that are going to be happening during the November elections. It's a logistical nightmare at the moment. So, we need people power and money as well to make sure we're able to count those votes much more efficiently.

BERMAN: Yeah, and it's maybe not just a matter of efficiency either, it's a matter of the President drawing unfounded questions as to the entire legitimacy of it. Listen to an interview he did over the weekend with Chris Wallace.


CHRIS WALLACE (FOX NEWS ANCHOR): Are you a good loser?

DONALD TRUMP: I'm not a good loser. I -- I don't like to lose. I don't lose too often. I don't like to lose.

WALLACE: But are you gracious?

TRUMP: You don't know until you see. It depends. I think mail-in voting is -- is going to rig the election. I really do.

WALLACE: Are you suggesting that you might not accept the results of the election?

TRUMP: I have to see.

WALLACE: Can you give a direct answer, you will accept the election?

TRUMP: I have to see. Look, you -- I have to see. No, I'm not going to just say yes, I'm not going to say no and I didn't last time either.


BERMAN: Yikes. What happens if the President doesn't accept the outcome of the election?

BOWMAN: You know, he -- he's been exhibiting chaos leadership from the very beginning. He loves to stoke panic and fear and racial divide and -- and -- and misdirection. This is his leadership style and it's unfortunate because the country needs a calming presence right now. We need true leadership, we need people to have faith in the process. And right now he's stoking a lack of faith and a lack of hope and it's unfortunate. But this is the kind of president that he's been from the very beginning.

BERMAN: Now you ran very much as a new progressive here in New York. How would you say your politics align with that of the Democratic nominee Joe Biden?

BOWMAN: You know, I think we -- we align a lot more than -- than people give us credit for. You know, Joe Biden, first and foremost, wants to move this country forward in the right direction. And the biggest thing, the thing I'm most excited about is that he's listening to people who -- who he may have disagreed with in the past. You know, the Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden alliance came together -- to -- to draft policy platforms together and I'm very happy to see that Joe Biden is a lot more focused on environmental justice and climate change than maybe he was before. So I'm excited to see that happening. And again, you know, right now in this moment we're dealing with the second biggest crisis since the Great Depression. We have to get people back to work, we've got to get a handle on this pandemic and I'm right in alignment with Joe Biden and -- and -- and fighting those fights as well as fighting for racial and economic justice in all it's forms. So, you know, I look forward to working with him and my Democratic colleagues, who some may call more moderate or more centrist.

BERMAN: Have you heard from some of these Democratic colleagues who people might call more moderate or more centrist, including the ones who endorsed your opponent, I'm thinking about Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, I'm sure I'm leaving people out here. Have any of them called to congratulate you?

BOWMAN: Yes, many -- many of them have. They've been very gracious, they’re -- they're excited to get started and get to work, as am I. So yes, I mean that's -- that's water under the bridge. You know, they -- they have relationships with Congressman Engel for over 30 years, so I'm not -- not taking any of that personally. Right now it's about coming together, getting to work and -- and meeting the needs of the American people.

BERMAN: I am curious, you brought up the pandemic. You're a former educator, worked a long time in education. What are your views on opening schools? How safe is it? Do you think it will be for kids to go back to school in really just a few weeks?

BOWMAN: Well, it's safer now in places like New York than it is in places like Texas and Florida, unfortunately, because we followed the protocols early on and -- and other states did not. We need massive federal investments to be truly ready to open our schools back up. We need finances and resources for increased ventilation, for increased cleaning services, to hire more teachers, lower class size, to use alternative learning spaces, like environmental learning spaces and outside learning spaces. So there are a lot more conversations that need to be had. It's possible, but we need more resources and we need everyone at the table to work collaboratively to get this thing figured out.

BERMAN: Who's the future of the Democratic Party? Joe Biden or Jamaal Bowman? Which J.B.?

BOWMAN: Which J.B., that's a great question. You know, let's -- let's -- let’s focus on the right now. Right now we're dealing with a pandemic, we're dealing with uprisings across the country. You know, let's come together and fight for racial and economic justice in -- in our healthcare system and our education system, in housing and dealing with food insecurity and criminal justice reform. We're working together to fight against that. I'm a bit younger, no offense to Joe Biden, so some may say that -- that someone like me is the future, I'm not going to say I, myself is the future, but -- you know -- right now people are yearning for change and I think this election showed that. You know -- we tripled voter turnout. We had the highest voter turnout across New York State, so people are really excited about this campaign and people are yearning for change.

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