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‘It’s a Peaceful Protest’; Trump NUKES WashPost Hack Concerned About Press Conference Crowd #Political

During a Friday night press conference, President Trump dished out one of his most stinging burns against the liberal media, telling CNN and Washington Post reporter Toluse Olorunnipa that the large crowd of members from his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club watching them weren’t violating any social distancing measures because they were engaging in “political activity” and “a peaceful protest” against the press.

Olorunnipa began his question by noting Trump has often claimed the coronavirus pandemic would eventually “disappear,” but then added: We lost 60,000 Americans this week and just in this room, you have dozens of people who are not following the guidelines in New Jersey, which say you should not have more than 25 people [in a room].”

The Phil Rucker underling tried to ask about the supposed disconnect, but the crowd (which had largely remained quiet through both Trump’s remarks and the Q&A) erupted in boos and drowned him out.

Trump interjected and began the trolling, telling him why the golf course didn’t have to cap the size of the gathering or socially distance: “No, they don’t have to. It’s a political activity.”

Olorunnipa continued to pontificate for a few seconds longer, but for all intents and purposes, he was done speaking.

Trump added that he was wrong on that because” the crowd was engaging in “political activity,” and “a peaceful protest,” which left them applauding and chuckling at this comeback.

The President continued, quipping that the crowd was there to “protest” the press:

They asked if they could be here. You know, a number of --- and to me, they look like they all --- pretty much all have masks on. But you know you have an exclusion in the law. It says peaceful protests or political activity, right? In fact, specifically --- yeah, says political activity, or peaceful protest and you can call it political activity, but I --- I’d call it peaceful protest because they heard you were coming up and they know the news is fake. They understand it better than anybody.

Trump also pointed to a question from Reuters correspondent Jeff Mason about Friday’s Office of the Director of National Intelligence report about the actions and thoughts of U.S. adversaries China, Iran, and Russia concerning the 2020 presidential election. He noted that Mason focused on Russia, only noted China later, and didn’t bring up Iran (the last two reportedly hoping for a Biden win).

Alluding to the liberal media’s Russia obsession, Trump chalked it up being “that’s the way they are” and left the podium with these final thoughts to raucous applause from club members: “If the press in this country were honest, it wasn’t corrupt, if it wasn’t fake, our country would be so much further ahead, but we’re doing really great.”

Regardless of how November turns out, there’s no doubt this exchange will end up alongside his many, many, many, many, many squabbles with Jim Acosta or tussles with Yamiche Alcindor or Rucker in a list of Trump’s most amusing takedowns.

To see the relevant transcript from the August 7 press conference, click “expand.”

White House Press Conference
August 7, 2020
8:13 p.m. Eastern

TOLUSE OLORUNNIPA: You said that the pandemic is disappearing but we lost 60,000 Americans this week and just in this room, you have dozens of people who are not following the guidelines in New Jersey, which say you should not have more than 25 people in a room. Why are you saying --- why are you saying that --- [INAUDIBLE]


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, they don’t have to. It’s a political activity.

OLORUNNIPA: --- [INAUDIBLE] Mr. President cause ---

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: You’re wrong on that because it’s a political activity. They have exceptions. Political activity ---


TRUMP: --- and it's also a peaceful protest. So, when you have --- and as you know, it’s a peaceful protest. [CROWD LAUGHS AND APPLAUDS] They asked if they could be here. You know, a number of --- and to me, they look like they all --- pretty much all have masks on. But you know you have an exclusion in the law. It says peaceful protests or political activity, right? In fact, specifically --- yeah, says political activity, or peaceful protest and you can call it political activity, but I --- I’d call it peaceful protest because they heard you were coming up and they know the news is fake.


TRUMP: They understand it better than anybody and they asked whether or not --- they asked whether or not they can be here, like the question about Russia. He doesn't mention Iran was in the report. He doesn’t mention or he mentions very late that China was in the report.

MAN IN THE AUDIENCE: China wants Biden.

TRUMP: --- cause that’s the way they are. They’re not --- if the press in this country were honest, it wasn’t corrupt, if it wasn’t fake, our country would be so much further ahead, but we’re doing really great. Thank you very much. Thank you.

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