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Who uses the echo chamber of tumblr for political credence? This guy does...

The channel Author touts himself as a presidential historian.

A journey through Presidential history with compelling stories, intriguing facts, original writing, and answers to your questions about the Presidency, Presidential politics, and each of the American Presidents.

We find an awful lot of slant and bias in his writings. Does this make him a historian or one who is working hard to slant reality? The man behind Dead Presidents is Anthony Bergen who seems like a interesting fellow, but his hatred for the current administration is blindingly clear. And his perception of this administrations positive accomplishments seem to be wallowed in mire for his general disdain of President Trump. A recent post where he responds to followers anonymous questions leaves me a bit bewildered.

A recent post on h
is channel

An anonymous asks: Is Trump still the leader of the free world?

No. I don’t think there’s even a strong argument to be made that he is. Even if he wasn’t terrible at his job and an embarrassment to Americans because of his ignorance and constant lying, he’s made it clear from the beginning that he truly doesn’t care about the rest of the world. He’s abandoned our allies from the moment he took the oath of office, and he’s proud of the fact that he’s abdicated the leadership role that the United States and American Presidents have held since the end of the World War II. And it actually took the rest of the world a while to recognize or believe the fact that he genuinely doesn’t care about anything or anybody but himself, but it was made crystal clear after a couple disastrous summits and the rest of the world showed how little they think of him during the speech to the United Nations General Assembly when he literally got laughed at by an audience of the world’s top diplomats.

For most of Trump’s term, I think Angela Merkel has been the leader of the free world, but I feel like Emmanuel Macron’s stepped up over the past year or so and has taken on that role. I was especially impressed with how quickly Macron went to Lebanon and comforted the people of Beirut following that massive explosion earlier this month. I understand that there’s a difficult history of French colonialism in Lebanon (and many other places, of course), but Macron’s visit obviously meant a lot to the people of Beirut as they were reeling and that’s leadership.  ------------------ After reading this... I would certainly agree President Trump is not the leader of the free world but he has become a shinning beacon to those awakened by the growing global tyranny infringing on individual liberties. People are awaking...

I have a lot of respect for any individual sharing their perspective openly. Even if inside the echo-chamber of Tumblr. But it's clear Anthony's influence is skewed by personal feels, and his projection of reality is completely one sided.

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