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ABC, NBC Spike ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Protests Leaving $2 Billion in Damages #Political

For months now, the liberal media have been downplaying and, in many cases, lying about the widespread violence and destruction caused by Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Calling them “mostly peaceful protests,” so-called journalists like MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and CNN’s Omar Jimenez would stand in full view of burning buildings and claims things were “not, generally speaking, unruly,” and “fiery but mostly peaceful.”

According to an Axios report featuring data from the Insurance Information Institute, it turned out those “mostly peaceful protests” left behind upwards of $2 billion of destruction and stolen property in their wake.

Shockingly, the CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell actually reported the statistic during Wednesday’s newscast. She was the only broadcast journalist to report the statistic on-air. “Nationwide unrest sparked by the police killing of George Floyd could lead to the highest insurance payout of its kind in history,” she announced.

Despite this admission, O’Donnell still had to squeeze in the liberal media’s favorite qualifier: “The protests in late spring were mostly peaceful, but damage from looting and arson will cost $1 to $2 billion in claims. That’s according to the Insurance Information Institute. And that would eclipse the previous high, the 1992 riots that followed the acquittal of four officers in the beating of Rodney King.”

Earth to the liberal media, “peaceful” protests don’t leave behind death, destruction, and shattered lives in their wake.

In Axios’s item, not only were the “mostly peaceful” (yes, they did it too) protests extremely expensive in terms of damages, they were a "catastrophe," according to one metric.

“A company called Property Claim Services (PCS) has tracked insurance claims related to civil disorder since 1950,” wrote Jennifer A. Kingson. “It classifies anything over $25 million in insured losses as a ‘catastrophe,’ and reports that the unrest this year (from May 26 to June 8) will cost the insurance industry far more than any prior one.”

Seeing as how the Insurance Information Institute used the data from PCS and that data was from only two months, the true cost of the destruction from these “mostly peaceful” protests was undoubtedly much higher.

Axios did try to put some spin on the figures, suggesting: “These losses are small compared with those stemming from natural disasters like hurricanes and the wildfires that are consuming the U.S. West.”

Kingson pointed to the cost of Hurricane Isaias which had damages ranging from “$3 billion-$5 billion in insurance losses.” But with that example, that means the man-made chaos in Democratic-led cities across America were almost on par with that of a category 1 hurricane.

And since there’s no end in sight for the “mostly peaceful” destruction in our cities and there was destruction not calculated into that figure as explained above, that meant the cost of damages was only going up.

The omission of this terrible statistic on ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Honda on ABC and Liberty Mutual on NBC. Their contact information is linked so you can tell them about the biased new they’re funding.

The transcript is below:

CBS Evening News
September 16, 2020
6:49:56 p.m. Eastern [26 seconds]

NORAH O’DONNELL: Nationwide unrest sparked by the police killing of George Floyd could lead to the highest insurance payout of its kind in history. The protests in late spring were mostly peaceful, but damage from looting and arson will cost $1 to $2 billion in claims. That’s according to Insurance Information Institute. And that would eclipse the previous high, the 1992 riots that followed the acquittal of four officers in the beating of Rodney King.

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