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After CNN’s Sappy Joke of a Town Hall, Biden is Morning Joe’s Golden Boy #Political

Joe and Willie joke about Trump's golden apartmentThe Morning Joe crew was delighted Friday morning when they had the pleasure of covering Thursday night’s CNN presidential town hall drive-in event in Moosic, Pennsylvania, in which Democratic nominee Joe Biden was treated to one gushing softball after another.

Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist made sure to fulfill their role as Biden 2020 cheerleaders. Biden's lame chatter about represent the working stiffs against "Park Avenue" was somehow amazing. This was the passage: 

BIDEN: I really do view this campaign as a campaign between Scranton and Park Avenue. And I really mean it, because, you know, the way we were raised up here in this area, awful lot of hardworking people busting their neck, all they ask for is a shot, just a shot. All that Trump can see from Park Avenue is Wall Street. All he thinks about is the stock market, I’m tellin- we're all going to do alright, everybody owns stock. How many of you all own stock? In my neighborhood in Scranton, not a whole hell of a lot of people own stock.

Sorry, Joe -- Gallup found 55 percent of their polling sample said they had money in the stock market. 

After listening to the soundbite, Scarborough erupted in joyful laughter, and hailed, “that’s just the best approach.” After briefly reminiscing about his own political career, the has-been former Congressman continued: “Whenever you start talking about, you know, ‘the way we were raised here in Scranton,’ oh… that’s gold. That’s political gold! And I also love the framing there, again just looking at it politically, that it was Scranton versus Park Avenue. He also couldn’t help but add, “I haven’t heard anything like that yet in this campaign,” as if Biden’s words about his middle-class heritage were truly revolutionary.

Even if Scarborough hasn’t heard any inspirational rags-to-politics stories so far this year, he has been in the political sphere far too long to be impressed by Biden’s speech. This type of story is a tired political tactic that has been used for years by politicians, regardless of party, to try to connect with regular Americans. Perhaps Scarborough has been living under a rock for the last five decades, but Biden has been a politician since the 70s. The Democrat has been making a Senator's salary for all that time, not being a working-class hero.

The MSNBC hosts laid the propaganda on thick, with Geist sneering that Trump “lives in a gold and mirrored, literally penthouse on Fifth Avenue” and “flies around in his private jet with gold belt buckles.” And what, former Senator and Vice President Biden has been living in a shack?

To add insult to injury, Scarborough did acknowledge that other politicians do the same thing that Biden had done the previous night, but apparently it’s a completely different story when Republicans do it. He remarked, “Well, and it’s the same thing with these Republican senators who try to play man of the people. And, ‘Oh, I’m just a workin’ guy.’ They all went to Harvard Law School, you ever notice that?” Geist responded, “Yep.”

Actually, the number of Harvard Law Republican senators is three: Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, and Mitt Romney.

The Morning Joe crew are just there to provide three hours of Biden ads every day until the election. Their sycophantic praise knows no bounds.

This cringeworthy segment praising Joe Biden was sponsored in part by Chevrolet, Allstate, and Discover.

Read the transcript below:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe


JOE BIDEN [AT CNN TOWN HALL]: I view this -- I really do view this campaign as a campaign between Scranton and Park Avenue. and I really mean it, because, you know, the way we were raised up here in this area, awful lot of hardworking people busting their neck all they ask for is a,shot, just a shot. All that Trump can see from Park Avenue is Wall Street. All he thinks about is the stock market, I’m tellin- we're all going to do alright, everybody owns stock. How many of you all own stock? In my neighborhood in Scranton, not a whole hell of a lot of people own stock.

JOE SCARBOROUGH:  Sorry for laughing. That is really, I mean- that's just the best approach. I’m not just talking for Joe Biden. I’m talking for anybody, you know? I mean, when I was campaigning I'd be going around, I’d go, ‘ra-ra-ra-ra’ and someone would bring up something my opponent would say and it would be nasty and I’d go, ‘Well, I got to tell you, the way I was raised. I mean, my parents just raised me to be better than’… Whenever you start talking about, you know, “the way we were raised here in Scranton,” oh…that's gold. That's political gold, and I also love the framing there, again just looking at it politically, that it was Scranton versus Park Avenue. I haven't heard anything like that yet in this campaign, other than a lot of insults going back and forth. But sort of that definition, giving voters a real look at the fact that yes, you had one guy that was raised working class in Scranton, Pennsylvania, whose father was unemployed and they had to leave the town and were desperately looking for work and you had another guy that was, you know, born in New York and basically inherited $400 million and it's quite a contrast that Biden used last night. 

WILLIE GEIST: It was. And it was a new message from Vice President Biden, something he rolled out at that major town hall. He also went to the Ivy League school thing, which is something that Donald Trump loves to brag about- 

SCARBOROUGH: That’s a good one too.

GEIST: -since he went to Wharton undergrad, and said ‘Who the hell ever said you had to go to an Ivy League school to be President of the United States?’ so he's sort of flipping this thing and using something, Joe, that I think you and I have been surprised that no one has gone to, which is that Donald Trump, the alleged man of the people, who lives in a gold and mirrored, literally penthouse on Fifth Avenue and flies around in his private jet with gold belt buckles, that guy is not your man of the people, Joe Biden is saying here, ‘I am. I grew up the way you grew up, I know what it means to lose a job, I know what you’re going through.’

SCARBOROUGH:  Well, and it’s the same thing with these Republican senators who try to play man of the people. And, ‘Oh, I’m just a workin’ guy.’ They all went to Harvard law school, you ever notice that?


SCARBOROUGH: You know, If I still -- even after all this time, if I walk, like, on the campus of Harvard or try to get close to Harvard Law School, a campus cop comes and they like, you know, they cuff me to a radiator. 

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