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CNN Hates You: Wilson Says Trump Voters Would Willfully Get 'The Black Plague' #Political

On Saturday evening’s CNN Newsroom, host Ana Cabrera colluded with former Republican strategist Rick Wilson and senior political analyst Kirsten Powers to hurl hatred and venom towards President Trump and his supporters.

The perpetually disturbed, hateful, and Confederate cooler-toting Wilson claimed Trump supporters are so “divorced from reality” they would willfully contract “the black plague” if Trump said “that the black plague is awesome.”

With Cabrera and Powers, they expressed dismay how the race wasn't looking like a Biden landslide, as if to lament that millions of Americans are too stupid to understand what's good for them. Cabrera and Wilson began by assaulting Trump for supposedly putting his supporters “in danger” and attacking his supporters for being out of touch with “reality” (click “expand”):

CABRERA: Rick, we can lay all that out, but we have seen this week and we are seeing again this afternoon, people lining up to see the President because they don't believe he would ever do anything to put them in danger. So what is being lost in translation here?

WILSON: Well, there is a separate reality bubble around the Trump world. They -- they get their news from Facebook and another network. They are hermetically sealed against reality. And so they believe that there is no such thing, they believe only 9,000 people have died of COVID instead of a two hundred thousand. They believe that the President is -- confers on them some sort of -- of almost magical immunity to the -- to the reality of this world and it's tragic and as we've seen, we have major gatherings such as that happened in Sturgis, such that happened at university campuses, we get major outbreaks to follow. We will have outbreaks following these events. They're not social distancing, they're not wearing masks, because Donald Trump has told them that those things aren't part of -- of what's -- the way we have to face up to COVID. He’s promising them a magical vaccine at the beginning of November. No such vaccine exists. It is a -- it is a cruel delusion that he is creating for these people.

This venomous rhetoric is not a surprise coming from Wilson. Earlier this year, the hateful hack joined with CNN’s Don Lemon and Wajahat Ali to mock Trump supporters for supposedly being too dumb to do math and read maps. Wilson has also referred to Trump voters as his “rube ten-tooth base.”

Wilson also launched into a series of bizarre claims in response to Trump comparing himself to FDR and Winston Churchill:

This is a President who does not deserve to even compare himself to the worst leaders in history, far -- far less, those who led us to war too, successfully. If this was Donald Trump during World War II, he would have said, well, you know, the Japanese didn't bomb Pearl Harbor, it was an accident, or the -- the -- the German invasion of Poland is just a temporary -- temporary thing, it's going to go away soon.

Powers, a liberal elitist who does not have to worry about mobs destroying her private business, shamed Trump supporters for being more concerned with law and order than COVID. Prior to that, Cabrera expressed a poisonous disdain for those not voting Democratic, complaining it's “eye popping” to see the election tightened (click “expand”):

CABRERA: I mean, as Rick lays all this out, Kirsten, it is just eye popping to think about it all. And yet we have new polling out today in some of these battleground states, like Nevada and New Hampshire, where the race at this point is too close to call. We saw, you know, polling out of Florida earlier this week, in which it's both 48 percent, 48 percent supporting Trump and Biden. Does all of that surprise you?

POWERS: No, not really. I mean, I think that the, you know -- I've -- I’ve always thought that this race is going to be, you know, very tight and so I think as we get closer, we should expect to see the kind of tightening that we see in some of these states. I do think it is very troublesome though that when -- when they ask voters in these four states, which one they were more concerned about, whether it was the pandemic or law and order, that they slightly said, law and order. Now, the idea that we have a problem in this country with not enough law and order versus the pandemic, which is killing people and destroying our economy, is very concerning.

Wilson, who needed to spout more hatred, then claimed that they are so brainwashed they would willingly contract the black plague if Trump told them to do so:

Well, I don't think that the -- the crowds in the Trump rally are ever going to hold Donald Trump accountable. This is more of a personality cult now than a political party or -- or a campaign. So those folks don't really care. He could say that the black plague is awesome, let's go get it, and they would probably nod up and down and go, okay, cool, he said so. So this is not a president who -- who will ever be under any sort of pressure from his internal base at all. They are, as I said earlier in the segment, divorced from reality in a really fundamental kind of way.

Cabrera concluded with a statement summarizing CNN's aversion to and poisonous view of those not in their corner: “It's hard to believe how close the election actually is. It's already the middle of September.”

CNN is not a news network but a forum for Trump haters to make despicable comments about him and his voters.

This hate for Trump voters was paid for by Jaguar and Procter & Gamble. Let them know here if you think they should be sponsoring this content.

Read the full September 12th transcript here:

CNN Newsroom
5:07:52 p.m.

ANA CABRERA: Now, that same President wants you to believe he was keeping people calm in a dark hour, much like the great leaders of World War II, a comparison that we'll let him try to explain.

(Cuts to video)

DONALD TRUMP: America will prevail over the China virus. As Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. [SCREEN WIPE] As the British government advised the British people in the face of World War II, keep calm and carry on. That's what I did. [SCREEN WIPE] When Hitler was bombing London, Churchill, a great leader, would often times go to a roof in London and speak. And he always spoke with calmness. He said, we have to show calmness.

(Cuts to live)

CABRERA: What actually happened is that both Roosevelt and Churchill leveled with their people about the crisis they were facing. But putting that aside, since the President has a fondness for invoking the leaders of old, perhaps he would consider the words of Abraham Lincoln. "I am a firm believer in the people," Lincoln said, "if given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis." Joining us now, former Republican strategist and co-founder of the Lincoln Project, Rick Wilson. He is also the author of the book, Running Against the Devil: A Plot to Save America From Trump and Democrats from Themselves. And also joining us, CNN senior political analyst and USA Today columnist, Kirsten Powers. Rick, we can lay all that out, but we have seen this week and we are seeing again this afternoon, people lining up to see the President because they don't believe he would ever do anything to put them in danger. So what is being lost in translation here?

RICK WILSON (FORMER REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST): Well, there is a separate reality bubble around the Trump world. They -- they get their news from Facebook and another network. They are hermetically sealed against reality. And so they believe that there is no such thing, they believe only 9,000 people have died of COVID instead of a two hundred thousand. They believe that the President is -- confers on them some sort of -- of almost magical immunity to the -- to the reality of this world and it's tragic and as we've seen, we have major gatherings such as that happened in Sturgis, such that happened at university campuses, we get major outbreaks to follow. We will have outbreaks following these events. They're not social distancing, they're not wearing masks, because Donald Trump has told them that those things aren't part of -- of what's -- the way we have to face up to COVID. He’s promising them a magical vaccine at the beginning of November. No such vaccine exists. It is a -- it is a cruel delusion that he is creating for these people.

CABRERA: There have been lies, there has been tons of misinformation out there, it's no wonder people are confused, Kirsten. And now, we have this new revelation from a source that Trump-appointed communications officials at the Department of Health and Human Services pushed to change language and weekly reports by the CDC so as not to undermine Trump's message. Why isn't this causing bipartisan outrage? I mean, this is playing politics with people's lives.

KIRSTEN POWERS (CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST): Well, I mean, I think you can ask that question pretty much through this entire administration, how rare it is that you actually see Republicans standing up to him. But this does seem like the kind of thing that should cause panic for anybody. Certainly, Republican leaders, you know, must care about people getting, you know, information that will save their lives, right, in theory. [LAUGHS] But it seems that when it goes up against Donald Trump, they're going to choose to let Donald Trump say what he wants to say even though we know behind the scenes, as you were just earlier playing, he was telling Bob Woodward that he doesn't even tell the American people the truth about what he knows. And so I think this is just another example of this administration trying to keep factual scientific information from people that could save their lives and also could help end this pandemic.

CABRERA: And, Rick, as we heard a moment ago, the President is now trying to defend his handling of the pandemic behind these, you know, bizarre, historical illusions to FDR and Winston Churchill. What do you make of that?

WILSON: Well, I think it's ludicrous because Donald Trump, as we have now heard in his own words, as you pointed out, that he knew the severity of this crisis, he downplayed it deliberately, when he could have been taking steps as early as January to prepare the country both for the humanitarian aspects of this crisis and for the economic disaster that he has caused in regards to this crisis. This is a President who does not deserve to even compare himself to the worst leaders in history, far -- far less, those who led us to war too, successfully. If this was Donald Trump during World War II, he would have said, well, you know, the Japanese didn't bomb Pearl Harbor, it was an accident, or the -- the -- the German invasion of Poland is just a temporary -- temporary thing, it's going to go away soon. These are ridiculous claims by Trump that he has, in any way, compared to those men. And it's also ridiculous that he took any sort of steps ahead of time when we know he did not. We can see the evidence he did not. He refused the advice of scientific experts. He refused the advice of epidemiological experts. And now, he's got stooges in his government, like Michael Caputo, changing the text of reports and attempting to tweak and propagandize the data that Americans need to try to stay safe during the course of COVID, and these coming resurgence of COVID.

CABRERA: I mean, as Rick lays all this out, Kirsten, it is just eye popping to think about it all. And yet we have new polling out today in some of these battleground states, like Nevada and New Hampshire, where the race at this point is too close to call. We saw, you know, polling out of Florida earlier this week, in which it's both 48 percent, 48 percent supporting Trump and Biden. Does all of that surprise you?

POWERS: No, not really. I mean, I think that the, you know -- I've -- I’ve always thought that this race is going to be, you know, very tight and so I think as we get closer, we should expect to see the kind of tightening that we see in some of these states. I do think it is very troublesome though that when -- when they ask voters in these four states, which one they were more concerned about, whether it was the pandemic or law and order, that they slightly said, law and order. Now, the idea that we have a problem in this country with not enough law and order versus the pandemic, which is killing people and destroying our economy, is very concerning. And so it does make you wonder where people are getting their information. And I -- this -- this is what we're sort of talking about, is that there is so much -- bad information out there. And who's most of it coming from? The President of the United States, who has set up this false paradigm, where you know, first of all, he loves to create chaos, so we know that that's not true. But he has also set up this false paradigm that his only choice was to say nothing versus create panic, right? There is a middle ground there where you tell people what's going on and you don't create panic.

CABRERA: And yet, he has not getting backlash for this though. I mean, he doesn't appear to be, you know, being held accountable, at least at this point, as far as we can tell, when you look at, you know, the images coming out of Nevada tonight and these enthusiastic crowds who are turning up for him.

WILSON: Well, I don't think that the -- the crowds in the Trump rally are ever going to hold Donald Trump accountable. This is more of a personality cult now than a political party or -- or a campaign. So those folks don't really care. He could say that, you know, the black plague is awesome, let's go get it, and they would probably nod up and down and go, okay, cool, he said so. So this is not a President who -- who will ever be, you know, under any sort of pressure from his internal base at all. They -- they are, as I said earlier in the segment, divorced from reality in a really fundamental kind of way, but I think what's really going on here, these polls were always going to tighten. American political races always start to tighten around this time of year and they're going to continue to tighten. The -- the -- the driver, though, in the coming weeks will not be law and order, and the fantasy Donald Trump is trying to perform of, you know, American cities in flames. What's going to be the -- the driver, I think, is that will have the fall resurgence of COVID, we will have the resurgence of COVID because of all these people not socially distancing, all these schools reopening without a plan. And as that starts to pick back up again and as we go into September and October, I think you're going to probably end up seeing a much different perspective on the way the race looks as we come into the next few weeks.

CABRERA: It's hard to believe how close the election actually is. It's already the middle of September. Rick Wilson, Kirsten Powers, thank you both for being here. I appreciate your perspectives.

WILSON: Thanks always.

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