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Tucker Makes Case Dems Are Complicit in Targeted Shootings of Cops #Political

Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson was in a prickly mood during his opening monologue, Monday. But who could blame him? As he led into the hour, Fox Los Angeles reporter Bill Melugin gave an update on the ambush shooting of two L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies over the weekend. In response, Carlson used his opening to lay out the case as to how the Democratic Party was complicit in the shooting and other targeted attempts on the lives of police officers across the country.

“He tried to kill them because they were cops. Can we really be surprised that he tried to do that,” he rhetorically asked his audience. “Since the beginning of summer, the Democratic Party has told us that the police are evil, that they’re killers, agents of racist genocide. Cops are the problem. Democrats have told us that every day for three and half months. They put it in their party platform. Finally, at least one man believed them.”

Carlson also placed obvious blame on the creators of the last few months of chaos and violence: the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement. He pointed to how Black Lives Matter extremists gathered outside the hospital treating the deputies and cheered for them to die. “This is the same BLM, the very same that the Democrats Party promoted at its convention over the summer,” he said.

Further tying the Democratic Party to Black Lives Matter extremists, Carlson exposed how L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) leaned on the leader of the group that led the crowd at the hospital (Click “expand”):

The “oppressor has been slain,” It’s “retribution,” it's, quote, “a very good start.”

Is Kevin Wharton Price on a federal watch list? You certainly would be if you advocated terrorism. But it's not likely he is because Price has powerful friends. Local Democrats in Los Angeles consider him a community leader.

Just this February of this year, the L.A. Times reported that Price’s organization, the so-called Afrika Town Coalition met several times with Mayor Eric Garcetti’s office. Eric Garcetti didn’t think Price was a dangerous lunatic, just the opposite. In fact, Garcetti’s office met with Price’s group to discuss forcing location businesses to obey their demands.

“So, the guy who celebrates cop killing was Garcetti’s go-to consultant for, ‘cultural competency.’ Mayor Garcetti now says he’s opposed to shooting police officers. Too late, we know the truth,” Carlson exclaimed.

But the examples of local Democratic leaders promoting the attempted assignation of cops didn’t stop there. “The city manager, a man called Jose Ometeotl, also celebrated their shooting,” Carlson explained. “He posted this statement on his personal Instagram. Quote, ‘The chickens come home to roost,’ quoting Malcolm X. In other words, they deserved what they got. Lynwood City Council has not condemned those remarks.”

For a more recent example of Democratic extremism against the police, Carlson examined the ongoing riots in Lancaster, Pennsylvania after an officer shot and killed a crazed man who was chasing him while swinging a knife.

So, what are they trying to tell us by rioting? What point are they making? This is a demonstration. Okay, what’s the message? That the guy trying to knife a cop is a martyr? Apparently, they want you to think that,” he expertly deduced.

After pointing to other instances of radicals targeting police with deadly force, Carlson proclaimed “The Democratic Party has encouraged them to ‘resist!’” And following a montage of clips featuring Democrats calling for the country to “reimagine law enforcement,” he asked the pressing question: “So, what is reimagining the police look like? Shooting them? Maybe, we don't know. No one specified.

Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight
September 14, 2020
8:04:31 p.m. Eastern


TUCKER CARLSON: That was hard to listen to that audio, it was awful. But we played it for you for a specific reason. This is the country they are creating. An attempted assassination of two young deputies. There was no dispute beforehand. There was no arrest. A man walked up out of nowhere and tried to kill them. It's the kind of thing we refer to as a senseless crime. But it wasn’t senseless, there was a reason he tried to kill them: He tried to kill them because they were cops.

Can we really be surprised that he tried to do that?

Since the beginning of summer, the Democratic Party has told us that the police are evil, that they’re killers, agents of racist genocide. Cops are the problem. Democrats have told us that every day for three and half months. They put it in their party platform.

Finally, at least one man believed them. So, he shot a young mother in uniform in the face and ran away. As she stared out of her patrol car, struggling to bleed through the blood, a group of people in Compton stood across the street and watched. They didn’t help her, they didn't call 911. They filmed the woman as she bled out. One on-looker celebrated her suffering. Watch this.


CARLSON: That didn't happen by accident. Again, this is the country they’re creating. Someone got “aired out” in Compton the man says laughing. You would like to know how that man is. You would like to know where he is right now. You’d like to find him.

A young woman shot in the face gasping for air as she trys to stay alive for her child. What kind of person could laugh at that? You would like to think only a monster could laugh at that. But the truth is scarier. Legitimate sociopaths are rare. Far more common are people who believe what they’re told, and people like that are everywhere, especially right now.

Black Lives Matter has told this man that police officers deserve to die because they’re sub-human. So, why wouldn't he celebrate their death? He and many others.

 A mob of ghouls quickly assembled outside of the hospital where these two deputies were taken. They showed up to root for their death, and then they blocked the entrance and exit to the Emergency Room. That meant ambulances couldn’t move. If there was ever a moment when the Los Angeles sheriff's department would be justified in using immediate and overwhelming force to move these people and protect the public by doing it, it was this moment.

But they didn’t do that. Instead the sheriff's department went on Twitter and begged Joe Biden's voters to please move. It didn't work. If anything, the mob seemed emboldened. Watch.


CARLSON: “Oink, Oink. I hope they die.” If you missed the reference there, it means you haven’t been following Black Lives Matter very carefully. “Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.” That’s what BLM chanted when police officers were murdered four years ago in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

This is the same BLM, the very same that the Democrats Party promoted at its convention over the summer. The same BLM that the happy rich lady across the street from you celebrates with a sign on her front lawn that makes her feel virtuous in between yoga classes.

That's what they’re promoting when they promote BLM. They’re promoting people like Kevin Wharton Price. Price is one of the BLM activists who wished the deputies death as they struggled to stay alive. Price is a well-known left-wing activist in Los Angeles. The L.A. Times, the local paper, has mentioned Price approvingly, repeatedly.

On Facebook, Price uploaded a video applauding the shooting of these deputies. Watch it.

KEVIN WHARTON PRICE: An unknown assailant walked up and bust a cap on both of them, shot them in the head. [Transition] So, I mean, what are we supposed to do y’all? We are supposed to celebrate today because an oppressor has been slain. [Transition] This is the start of retribution. And I think this is a very good start.

CARLSON: The “oppressor has been slain,” It’s “retribution,” it's, quote, “a very good start.”

Is Kevin Wharton Price on a federal watch list? You certainly would be if you advocated terrorism. But it's not likely he is because Price has powerful friends. Local Democrats in Los Angeles consider him a community leader.

Just this February of this year, the L.A. Times reported that Price’s organization, the so-called Afrika Town Coalition met several times with Mayor Eric Garcetti’s office. Eric Garcetti didn’t think Price was a dangerous lunatic, just the opposite. In fact, Garcetti’s office met with Price’s group to discuss forcing location businesses to obey their demands.

So, the guy who celebrates cop killing was Garcetti’s go-to consultant for, quote, “cultural competency.” Mayor Garcetti now says he’s opposed to shooting police officers. Too late, we know the truth!

Meanwhile, in the nearby city of Lynwood, right next to Compton, where the police officers are hospitalized tonight. The city manager, a man called Jose Ometeotl, also celebrated their shooting. He posted this statement on his personal Instagram. Quote, “The chickens come home to roost,” quoting Malcolm X. In other words, they deserved what they got. Lynwood City Council has not condemned those remarks.

Multiply these attitudes by every Democratic office holder in America, and you won't be surprised to see our cities burning and the cops murdered.

There were riots last night in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, of all places. Never thought you would see a riot there. The details in that story tell you everything about what’s happening to the country.

A 27-year-old man named Ricardo Munoz charged at police with a knife in his hand. And it wasn’t an ideal threat in his case. Munoz was booked last year for knifing four strangers, including a teenager. So, the cops shot Munoz in self-defense. Good for him! You would have done the same or you would have been killed. We are not speculating about that, by the way. Here’s body cam footage.


CARLSON: It's not a close call. A still frame photograph from the video clearly shows Munoz with a knife raised as charges wildly at the officer. So, the police released that footage because they thought it would calm tensions. “Of course, the guy had a knife. He’d been busted for knifing four people, the cop was about to be the fifth. Calm down everyone, there was a reason we shot him.” That’s what the police were thinking.

And in a reasonable country it would have been over. Of course they shot him. But Joe Biden voters and BLM activists respond the way Democrats trained them to respond. They immediately smashed windows, they attacked a post office and a police station, they set literal dumpster fires in the streets. Watch this.


CARLSON: So, what are they trying to tell us by rioting? What point are they making? This is a demonstration. Okay, what’s the message? That the guy trying to knife a cop is a martyr? Apparently, they want you to think that. Just like they know require you to believe that George Floyd was a role model for your kids. “Grow up to be like George Floyd, son.”

It's all such an absurd lie. And everyone who is paying attention knows it's a lie. But they demand that we all play along and they punish us if we don't. And what are the results? The most obvious result of this on-going scam, this grotesque scam on the country is cops get murdered.

Last week in North Carolina a police officer was shot in the face and killed when he responded to a break in. On Sunday, somebody fired a rifle at police in New York as they responded to a domestic violence call. Should they not respond to domestic violence calls? They won’t if people keep doing this.

The Democratic Party has encouraged them to “resist!”

So, we’re told we can't blame the people who pull the trigger for the violence.

And by the way, unlike the Republican Party, Democrats when they come up with a talking point they stick with it and they repeat is so often and at such volume that millions of people believe it. Because again, people tend to believe what they’re told. We’ve got 200 years of practice. People believe those in authority. And for most of our history it was worth believing people in authority. No more.

So watch as everyone from congressmen, to activists, to mayors, and all levels of government repeat the mantra: “it's the cop's fault, it’s our fault, it’s your fault!” We need to “reimagine law enforcement.”


CARLSON: So, what is reimagining the police look like? Shooting them? Maybe, we don't know. No one specified. Least of all Joe Biden. He’s never even imagined police in the first place. He's been in a bubble for 50 years, he’s got no idea what’s going on in America. Watch Joe Biden declare the police right now just don't pull over white people, somehow. Watch.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: If I were your daughter, what advice would you give me the next time I am stopped by the police?

JOE BIDEN: If you were my daughter you’d be a Caucasian girl and you wouldn’t be pulled over.

CARLSON: What a buffoon. It’s hard to believe they’re running that guy. Silly old fool.

But behind Joe Biden's vacant smile and laughably outdated assumptions about an America that does not exist and hasn't for many years, there is a group of hard-eyed handlers right behind him and they know exactly what’s going on, and they have a purpose for it. These people want power. They know that effective, honest, independent local law enforcement stands in the way, in their way. The left already controls the FBI completely. They want your police department to come to heel. That’s their plan.

And if dead cops are the price, they think it's worth it.

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