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FAIL: Biased Welker AVOIDS Court Packing, Barely Mentions Hunter Biden #Political

Kristen Welker failed as a debate moderator. The NBC journalist delivered on Thursday night embarrassing, pro-Biden talking points, assisting the Democrat on climate change and avoiding awkward topics like packing the Supreme Court and Antifa violence. Instead of grilling Joe Biden on the growing bombshell scandal involving son Hunter Biden, Welker waited 35 minutes before even talking about it. 

Here’s how she finally (and weakly) brought it up: “Vice President Biden, there have been questions about the work your son did in China and for a Ukrainian energy company when you were Vice President. In retrospect was anything about those relationships inappropriate or unethical?

That was it. She immediately moved to equivalence, suggesting that Trump was equally guilty. 

You know what question NEVER came up? Packing the Supreme Court. Maybe that’s because, according to polling, 58 percent of Americans oppose the Democrats doing it. In 96 minutes, the journalist never broached the subject. (On October 8, vice presidential debate moderator Susan Page did the SAME thing, skipping court packing.) 

Antifa? Rioting? Violence? Never mentioned. Instead, of course, climate change came up. It wasn’t until Trump repeatedly brought up Biden’s hostility to fracking that she managed this to the Democrat: “Would you rule out banning fracking?” 

Finally, the second to last question combined environmental concerns with race: 

Here is a complete transcript of all of Welker's questions. Click "expand" to read more. 

Final Presidential Debate
9:05 p.m. Eastern

KRISTEN WELKER: We will begin with the fight against the coronavirus. President Trump, the first question is for you. The country is heading into at a dangerous new phase. More than 40,000 Americans are in the hospital tonight with COVID including record numbers here in Tennessee. Since the two of you last shared a stage, 16,000 Americans have died from COVID. So please be specific. How would you lead the country during this next stage of the coronavirus crisis? Two minutes uninterrupted. 


9:08 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Former Vice President Biden, how would you lead this country out of crisis? Would you have to minutes uninterrupted. 


9:10 p.m. Eastern

WELKER:  President trump, I would like to follow up with you and your comments. You talked about taking a therapeutic. I assume you're referencing regeneron. You said a vaccine will be coming within weeks? Is that a guarantee?


WELKER: Can you tell us which companies? 


9:10 p.m. Eastern 

WELKER: Because this is new information, you have said a vaccine is coming soon. Your own administration said it could take well into 2021 before enough Americans could get vaccinated And even then they said the country will be wearing masks into 2022. Is your time line realistic?


WELKER: Vice President Biden, 40 million Americans say they would agree to take vaccine if it was approved by the government. What steps would you give to give Americans confidence in a vaccine if it were approved?  


9:12 p.m. Eastern 

WELKER: President trump, your reaction? He says you have no plan. 


9:13 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Vice President Biden, your response? 


9:14 p.m. Eastern 

WELKER: President Trump, your reaction? 


9:15 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: And of course, the CDC has said young people can get sick with COVID-19 and can pass it. But president Biden, I want to talk broadly about strategy.


9:16 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Vice President Biden? 


9:16 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: President Trump?  


9:17 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Let's talk about your different strategies toward dealing with this. Mr. President, you said you would support your scientists. What do you say to Americans who are fearful that the cost of shutdown, the impact on the economy, the higher rates of hunger, depression, domestic and substance abuse outweighs the risk of exposure to the virus? 


9:18 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: You haven’t ruled out more shutdowns. 


9:19 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Let me follow up with you, President Trump. You've demanded schools open in person and insist they can do it safely. But just yesterday, Boston became the latest school system to move entirely online with the coronavirus spike. What is your message to parents who worry   worry that sending their children to school will endanger not only their kids, but also their teachers and families? 


WELKER: Vice President Biden? 


9:23 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: This week you called Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's best know infectious disease expert, quote, “a disaster.” You described him and other medical experts, as, quote, “idiots. If you’re not listening to them, who are you listening to? 


WELKER: Vice president Biden, your response quickly.        


9:26 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: We're going to move on to our next part which is national security. I do want to start with some breaking news from overnight. Just last night top intelligence officials confirmed that both Russia and Iran are working the influence this election. Both countries have obtained U.S. voter registration information, these officials say. And Iran sent intimidating messages to Florida voters. This question goes to you. Mr. Vice president, what would you do to put an end to this threat. You have two minutes uninterrupted. 


WELKER: President Trump, same question to you. Let me ask the question. You'll have two minutes to respond. For two elections in a row there has been interference by foreign adversaries. What would you do in your next term to put an end to this?  


9:31  p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Vice President Biden, you may respond. And then I do want to follow up on election security. 


9:32 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: President Trump, your response? 


9:33 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Did your accountant tell you when you can release them? 


WELKER: You said you just spoke to your accountant about potentially releasing your taxes. Did he say when you can release them? Do you have a deadline for when you can release them to the American people? 


9:34 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: I want to ask you both about questions about your potential foreign entanglement to give you both a chance to talk about it more broadly. Respond quickly and I’ll get to my question. 


9:35 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: President Trump and then I want to get to two questions for both of you.


9:35 p.m. Eastern

WELKER:  Let me ask some questions about all of this broadly. Vice President Biden, there have been questions about the work your son did in China and for a Ukrainian energy company when you were Vice President. In retrospect was anything about those relationships inappropriate or unethical? 


WELKER: President Trump, let me ask my question to you. 

DONALD TRUMP: Could I just —

WELKER: Very quickly. 


WELKER: All right. I'm going to let the Vice President respond and then I need on get to a question to you. 


9:37 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: President Trump, this is for you. Since you took office, you never divested from your business. You’ve personally promoted your properties abroad. A report this week which was referenced does indicate that your company has a a bank account in China. So how can voters know that you don't have any foreign conflict of interest? 


WELKER: Okay, we need to move on. I do want to ask you, vice president Biden, about China. Let's talk about China more broadly. President Trump has said they should pay for not being fully transparent in regard to the coronavirus. If you were president, would you make China pay? And please be specific. What would that look like?


9:41 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: President trump, on China policy though, what specifically are you going to do to make China pay? You said you're going to make them pay.  


WELKER: Vice President Biden, your response? 


9:43 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: We’re going to talk about North Korea now. President Trump, you've met with north Korean leader Kim Jong-un. You've talked about beautiful letters with him. You've touted the fact that hasn't been a war or a long range missile test and yet North Korea recently rolled out the biggest ever intercontinental ballistic missile and continues to develop its nuclear arsenal. Do you see that as a betrayal of the relationship you forged? Just 30 seconds here because we need to get on to the next thing. 


WELKER: Vice president Biden, North Korea conducted four nuclear tests under the Obama administration. Why do you think you would be able to rein in this persistent threat? 


9:45 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Let me follow up with you Vice President Biden. You said you wouldn’t meet with Kim Jong-un without any preconditions. Are there any conditions you would meet with him? 


9:47 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Okay. Let's move on to American families and the economy. One of the issues that is most important to them is health care, as you both know. Today there was a key vote and a knew Supreme Court justice. Amy coney Barrett. And health care is at the center of her confirmation fight. Over 20 million Americans get their health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. It is headed to the supreme court and your administration, Mr. President, is advocating for the court to overturn it. If the supreme court does overturn that law. Those 20 million Americans could lose their health insurance almost overnight. So what would you do if they have their health insurance taken away? 


9:49 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Okay. Vice President Biden, yes, this is for you. Your health care plan calls for building on ObamaCare. So my question is, what is your plan if the law is ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court? You have two minutes uninterrupted.


9:51 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: I have a follow-up for you, vice president Biden, it relates to something that President trump said. He's accusing you of wanting socialized medicine. What do you say to people who have concerns, which includes a government insurance option, takes the country to a health care system run entirely by the government? 


9:56 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Let me move on to my next question. As of tonight, more than 12 million people are out of work. As of tonight, 8 million more Americans have fallen into poverty and more families are going hungry every day. Those hit hardest are women and people of color. They see Washington fighting over a relief bill. Mr. President, why haven't you been able to get them the help you need? 30 seconds. 

DONALD TRUMP: Because Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to approve it. 

WELKER: But you’re the President. 


9:57 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Let me ask Vice President Biden a question. You are the leader of the Democratic Party. Why have you not pushed the Democrats to get a deal for the American people?


10:00 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: I want to talk about the minimum wage. Mr. Vice President, we are talking a lot about struggling small businesses and business owners these days. Do you think this is the right time to ask them to raise the minimum wage? You support a $15 federal minimum wage? 


10:00 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: You said recently you would consider raising the federal minimum wage to $15? Would you consider that in a second administration? 


10:02 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: We’re going to talk about immigration now, gentlemen. We're going to talk about families within this context. Mr. President, your administration separated children from their parents at the border. At least 4,000 kids. You've since reversed your zero tolerance policy but the United States can't locate the parents of more than 500 children. So how will these families ever be reunited?


10:03 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: But how will you reunite the kids? 


10:03 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Do you have a plan to reunite the kids? 


10:04 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Let me ask you about your immigration policy, Mr. Vice president. The Obama administration did fail to deliver immigration reform, which had been a key promise for the administration. It also presided over record deportations as well as family detentions at the border before changing course. So why should voters trust with you an immigration overhaul now? 


10:06 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Vice President Biden, your response?


10:07 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: President Trump, your response? 


WELKER: Vice President Biden, your response? 


WELKER: Let's talk about our next section, which is race in America. I want to talk about the way black and brown Americans experience race in this country. Part of that experience is something called the talk. It happens regardless of class and income. Parents who feel they have no choice but to prepare their children for the chance that they could be targeted, including by the police, for no reason other than the color of their skin. Mr. Vice President, in the next two minutes, I want you to speak to that. 


10:10 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: President Trump, same question to you. And let me remind you of the question.  I would I like to you speak directly to these families. Do you understand why these parents fear for their children? 


WELKER: We’re going to talk about both of your records, but your response, Vice President Biden? 


10:15 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Vice President Biden, your response? 


10:16 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: We're going to continue on the issue of race. Mr. President, you've described the Black Lives Matter movement as a symbol of hate. You've shared a video of a man chanting white power to millions of your supporters. You've said that black professional athletes exercising their first amendment rights should be fired. What do you say to Americans who say that kind of language from a president is contributing to a climate of hate and racial strife? 


10:17 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: What do you say to Americans who are concerned by that rhetoric? 


10:20 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Vice President Biden, let me give you the chance to respond within this context. Crime bills that you supported in the ‘80s and ‘90s contributed tens of thousands of young black men who had small amounts of drugs in their possessions. They are sons, they are brothers, they are fathers, they are uncles whose families are still, to this day, some of them, suffering the consequences. So speak to those families, why should they vote for you? 


10:22 p.m. Eastern

WELKER:  We're running out of time. We have to get to climate change, please. You both have very different visions on climate change. President Trump, you say that environmental regulations have hurt jobs in the energy sector. Vice president Biden, you said you see addressing climate change as an opportunity to create new jobs. For each of you. How would you combat climate change and support job growth at the same time starting with you, President Trump, you have two minutes uninterrupted. 


10:28 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: President Trump, please respond.


10:29 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Let me allow Vice President Biden to respond. 


10:29 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Would you rule out banning fracking? 


10:30 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: President Trump, people of color are more likely to live near oil refineries and chemical plants. In Texas,  there are families who worry the plants near them are making them sick. President Trump, our administration has rolled back regulations on these kinds of facilities. Why should the families give you another four years in office?


10:31 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Vice President Biden, your response? 


WELKER: President Trump, imagine this is your inauguration day, what will you say to Americans who did not vote for you? You’ll each have one minute.


10:35 p.m. Eastern

WELKER: Vice President Biden, what will you say in your inauguration address for Americans other did not vote for you? 

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