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Impatient Stephanopoulos Urges Biden to Declare Victory; Demands Trump Accept Defeat #Political

ABC News journalists on Friday’s Good Morning America were fed up with the ballot counting in this tight presidential race and just wanted to declare Joe Biden the winner. Anchor George Stephanopoulos was eager Biden would “embrace” his victory today while he demanded the president accept defeat.

It started when correspondent and Biden cheerleader Mary Bruce bragged to Stephanopoulos how Biden’s win was a matter of “when, not if:”

“Well, right now the Biden camp for them is a matter of when and not if. You know this morning Joe Biden is on the verge, they say, of becoming the next president. We heard him come out yesterday, all but declare that this race is over,” she gushed, hoping we’d all forget the network bashed President Trump for declaring victory on election night when he was ahead.

Stephanopoulos also urged Biden to “embrace” his victory:

What's the trigger going to be for him? I mean, we haven't projected enough states to get over 270 yet. It's possible that will happen over the course of the day. What will determine whether we see the vice president come out and embrace a victory?

Bruce was equally anxious to say Biden won: “ I wish I had a clear answer for you there,” she sighed, adding that the Biden team believes they will get there ultimately and Biden was ready to take office: “Of course, Joe Biden, we have seen him acting like a man who is preparing to take office,” she boasted.

In the next hour, Stephanopoulos scolded President Trump for making “false claims” about voter fraud and not accepting defeat even though votes are still being counted . He demanded someone in his inner circle urge him to give up, now if he has no proof to offer of fraud. He asked Chris Christie, “Is there anyone inside the president's circle if it gets to the point you were talking about a minute ago who can go and tell him, ‘it's time. It's time to accept this with grace’?”

Stephanopoulos and Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl also showed their pettiness towards President Trump by mocking him for being behind Biden in electoral votes:

“Jon, in contrast if you're coming out and complaining about illegal votes falsely, you're not very confident about victory,” Stephanopoulos snarked. 

Karl added, “No doubt about it. I mean, the president is claiming an election is rigged before it's over. You don't do that if you think you are going to win the election.”

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Read the relevant transcripts below:

Good Morning America


7:12:52 am-7:14:58 AM EST

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: The vice president displayed confidence, urged calm. Bring us inside the campaign right now. How are they feeling? How do they expect the day to play out? 

MARY BRUCE: Well, right now the Biden camp for them is a matter of when and not if. You know this morning Joe Biden is on the verge, they say, of becoming the next president. We heard him come out yesterday, all but declare that this race is over. But, again, they are stressing, be calm, be patient. Saying that democracy can be messy but that the system is working exactly as it should and, George, it was notable that the Biden camp yesterday did not respond to the president's remarks but they are adamant, they feel that the more the president comes out and makes these baseless claims of voter fraud the more he tries to throw legal hail Mary passes, they believe that just underscores their argument that they are winning and, George, here in Delaware they have been preparing the stage behind me. They are ready to go at a moment's notice to declare victory if they hit that 270 mark. 

STEPHANOPOULOS: What's the trigger going to be for him? I mean, we haven't projected enough states to get over 270 yet. It's possible that will happen over the course of the day. What will determine whether we see the vice president come out and embrace a victory?

MARY BRUCE: I wish I had a clear answer for you there. They don't know which state it's going to be. They obviously are very enthusiastic by the news they're seeing out of Georgia and projected this would happen. Obviously what is happening in Pennsylvania is extremely good news for them as well. They say, look, it doesn't matter which state does it. They just believe they are ultimately going to get there, of course, Joe Biden, we have seen him acting like a man who is preparing to take office. He is already looking ahead to the massive challenges that he may be inheriting. Yesterday we heard him coming out speaking about the pandemic. They are also already preparing for a potential transition, George. 

STEPHANOPOULOS: To Jon Karl right now and, Jon, in contrast if you're coming out and complaining about illegal votes falsely, you're not very confident about victory. 

JON KARL: No doubt about it. I mean, the president is claiming an election is rigged before it's over. You don't do that if you think you are going to win the election... 

STEPHANOPOULOS: Chris Christie, is there anyone inside the president's circle if it gets to the point you were talking about a minute ago who can go and tell him, it's time. It's time to accept this with grace? 


STEPHANOPOULOS:  Finally, Rahm, if indeed Joe Biden does go  over the top today or tomorrow what's the most important thing he needs to say and do for the country as he accepts the victory? 

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