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Petulant Scarborough Ignores Truth on 2016, Attacks ‘Spoiled Rotten Babies’ #Political

Joe ScarboroughMSNBC’s Joe Scarborough is getting pretty sick of Republicans questioning the results of the 2020 election. So sick, in fact, that he bothered to interrupt his Republican-bashing rants Friday morning to make a false comparison to the 2016 election, complete with footage, to remind everyone that the Democrats were such good sports four years ago.

In the middle of Morning Joe’s 6:00 a.m. Eastern hour, Scarborough played a compilation (courtesy of CNN) of short clips showing Republican commentators and Fox News pundits criticizing the Democrats in 2016 for not accepting the results of that election. Gleefully appalled, Scarborough gave this venomous response:

Really, seriously? You got to wonder how they can do that. That's four years ago. Republicans whining, calling Democrats sore losers, calling Hillary Clinton a sore loser… But Hillary Clinton conceded the day after the election. She made a call to Donald Trump early that morning and conceded the day after the election. We can't even get any of those people you just saw to admit the reality that Donald Trump lost far worse than Hillary Clinton. 

The MSNBC star then played another, shorter compilation showing Hillary Clinton conceding in 2016, along with footage of then-President Obama and allies John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi formally acknowledging Trump’s victory. However, he didn’t show any of the unhinged media’s reactions to the election, nor later comments from Clinton where she seems less than pleased with the results, making this comparison look very uneven. Nevertheless, he kept up the charade:

And you go back and you look at Barack Obama the day after the election, and Hillary Clinton…So they were doing that the day after the [2016] election. And [in 2020] Republicans still, Donald Trump still, will not give the President-Elect -- by the way, Republicans, the President-Elect that is going to be your commander in chief. The President-Elect who's going to have to figure out how to handle the crisis in North Korea that Donald Trump left us. Made it far worse than it was when we got there. How to handle Russia and how to handle China. How to handle ISIS. There's a re-emergence of ISIS. Reports this week showing that they're regaining strength. 

Scarborough then pleaded with Republicans to help the incoming Biden administration get adjusted:

So Republicans need to wake up. They need to grow up. They need to start the daily Intel briefings. They need to start doing what the Obama administration did. With the State Department, help coordinate those calls from foreign leaders, pass along those messages from foreign leaders. Work towards a peaceful transition that sets this country apart from so many others across the globe. 

 Apparently Scarborough is beyond the point where he feels the need to even address the integrity of the election anymore. He made this clear to viewers by belittling Republicans, wrapping up the segment before moving on to his next conversation with friends from the Lincoln Project: "The time is now. You’ve had your week and a half of whining. You’ve had your week and a half of whimpering. You’ve had your week and a half of just acting like spoiled little rotten babies."

This shameful spectacle was sponsored by Shark Vacuums and Comcast.

Find the transcript below:

MSNBC's Morning Joe
6:30:41 AM


JOE SCARBOROUGH: Really, seriously? You got to wonder how they can do that. That's four years ago. Republicans whining, calling Democrats sore losers, calling Hillary Clinton a sore loser. And by the way, credit to CNN’s KFile for putting together those montages, but I don't know if you remember this, and I know in the age of Trump we have alternative realities, and people don't even go back and look at videotape. But Hillary Clinton conceded the day after the election. She made a call to Donald Trump early that morning and conceded the day after the election. We can't even get any of those people you just saw to admit the reality that Donald Trump lost far worse than Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden won Pennsylvania by a much larger margin than Donald Trump four years ago. Won Michigan by a larger margin than Donald Trump did. Flipped Arizona by 100,000 votes. Flipped Georgia by 100,000 votes. I mean, again, they're shameless, of course they're shameless. You can look at the clips and see what they said then, and see what they're saying now and they're attacking Hill-- they were attacking Hillary Clinton then, for conceding the day after the election. Here we are, what a week and half past the election? They all know he's lost. And they're all losers, sore losers. We had a lot of people in the 2000 recount carrying around signs that said “sore loserman.” Well, if the sign fits, Republicans should wear it because this was Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama actually as Hillary was conceding, and Barack Obama was saying, “hey, guys, let's move along.” Take a look. 


SCARBOROUGH: I mean, really, I would say isn't it incredible, the contrast between the horrific example-- I would say the anti-democratic example that a lot of Republicans are setting, running around lying, spreading conspiracy theories. Trying to undermine-- if you can believe this, trying to undermine America's confidence in the voting system. Well, actually in American democracy despite the fact that the Department of Homeland Security said it was the cleanest election, the safest election, the most secure election ever run.  And you go back and you look at Barack Obama the day after the election, and Hillary Clinton, wait-- Barack Obama said “we're going to work as hard as we can to have a successful transition, to help Donald Trump.” Hillary Clinton said the morning -- the afternoon after the election, “Donald Trump is going to be president. We owe him an open mind.” So they were doing that the day after the election. And Republicans still, Donald Trump still, will not give the President-Elect -- by the way, Republicans, the President-Elect that is going to be your commander in chief. The President-Elect who's going to have to figure out how to handle the crisis in North Korea that Donald Trump left us. Made it far worse than it was when we got there. How to handle Russia and how to handle China. How to handle ISIS. There's a re-emergence of ISIS. Reports this week showing that they're regaining strength. We need our President-Elect, the next commander in chief, to get daily Intel briefings, and he's not getting those daily Intel briefings despite the fact every Republican in the United States Senate knows that Donald Trump lost. Joe Biden won. And they're just playing games with your national security, with America’s national security. I don't know if you call that un-American, but I do know this: They would be calling Democrats un-American if they weren't letting a Republican have access to daily Intel briefings. And by the way, do you Republicans really think you're never going to be president again, do you think you’re never gonna be in the White House again, because if you believe you're going to be in the White House again, you need to tell Donald Trump to stop setting this horrific precedent. We’ve learned in Washington what goes around comes around. So Republicans need to wake up. They need to grow up. They need to start the daily Intel briefings. They need to start doing what the Obama administration did. With the State Department, help coordinate those calls from foreign leaders, pass along those messages from foreign leaders. Work towards a peaceful transition that sets this country apart from so many others across the globe. The time is now.  You’ve had your week and a half of whining. You’ve had your week and a half of whimpering. You’ve had your week and a half of just acting like spoiled little rotten babies. We have a lot more at stake here. We have the security of the United States of America. Brief the incoming president daily. Let those briefings begin, just like Barack Obama did for Donald J. Trump four years ago.

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