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Trial Date Set for DOJ Antitrust Case Against Google: Sept. 2023 #Political

Good things come to those who wait, but it looks like Americans will be waiting a long time before the Department of Justice’s antitrust case against Google goes to court.

The judge in the Department of Justice’s case against Google has set a tentative trial date, but the trial may still be years away, according to The Wall Street Journal

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta has set the trial for “Sept. 12, 2023, based on a lengthy proposed schedule laid out by the parties,” The Journal reported. Judge Mehta has reportedly set the next status hearing for January 21.

“If anybody thought we would be getting to trial quickly, this certainly will dispel that notion,” the judge reportedly said in a hearing via telephone.

“Judge Mehta said he would like to get the new 35-state case on the same coordinated schedule as the Justice Department-led case, at least in terms of preparing for litigation,” The Journal reported. 

Last week, Google was slapped with two more antitrust lawsuits. One coalition of 38 states and territories and a separate coalition of 10 states have piled on in filing antitrust lawsuits against Google. The Department of Justice brought a third in an October lawsuit against the search and advertising giant. “As internal Google documents reveal, Google sought to kill competition and has done so through an array of exclusionary tactics, including an unlawful agreement with Facebook, its largest potential competitive threat, to manipulate advertising auctions,” one lawsuit, Texas v. Google, alleged.

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