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INSANE: Mika Thinks AOC’s ‘Murder’ Smear of Cruz Was a ‘Fair Response’ #Political

Apparently, lies and smears are okay, so long as they are directed at the right people. On Thursday, far-left Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dripped venom as she accused Ted Cruz of “almost having me murdered” and actively “trying to get me killed.” But for Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzeziniski, this was a “fair response” from the Congresswoman.

Brzezinski on Friday read from Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet: “I'm happy to work on Republicans on this issue where there is common ground. But you almost had me murdered three weeks ago so you can sit this one out. Happy to work with almost any other GOP [sic] that aren't trying to get me killed. In the meantime, if you want to help, you can resign.” The host then agreed, “So Michael Steele, I think that's kind of a fair response.”

Here’s the original hate tweet in question:

Rather than blame the violent rioters, or point out that Democrats opposed the certification of George W. Bush’s reelection in the Senate, Brzezinski slimed Cruz’s offer to work with the Democrat on Wall Street reform:

It was Ted Cruz trying to weasel his way back in after being an insurrectionist and inciting a mob, a mob that murdered. No thank you. And Twitter --- Since Twitter can't control these people, since Twitter has no sense of responsibility as to what shows up and who shows up on their platform, I guess Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has to stand up for yourself.

Guest Michael Steele summarized Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet this way:

"You know what, I really don't want to do this one with you because you are a threat to me. And you have shown that by your words and your incitements. In some cases members of your party and their actions"? 

The hate on MSNBC was sponsored by Allstate and Humira. Click on the links to let them know what you think.

A partial transcript is below. Click “expand” to read more.

Morning Joe


6:23 AM ET

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Well, this is how high tensions are and how much lawmakers are still reeling from the attack on the Capitol. Yesterday Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about the Game Stop story saying Robin Hood's decision to block retailers investors was unacceptable. Republican Senator Ted Cruz said he fully agreed with her stance. But Ocasio-Cortez wants nothing to do with him. Firing back on Twitter,  quote, “I'm happy to work on Republicans on this issue where there is common ground. But you almost had me murdered three weeks ago so you can sit this one out. Happy to work with almost any other GOP [sic] that aren't trying to get me killed. In the meantime, if you want to help, you can resign.” So Michael Steele, I think that's kind of a fair response. I mean, I think Twitter is a place where people are lobbing pot shots at each other.


BRZEZINSKI:  It's not helpful, honestly. But, you know, it was Ted Cruz trying to weasel his way back in after being an insurrectionist and inciting a mob, a mob that murdered. No thank you. And Twitter --- Since Twitter can't control these people, since Twitter has no sense of responsibility as to what shows up and who shows up on their platform, I guess Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has to stand up for yourself.

STEELE: Yeah. She had to clear the decks and make it understood across the spectrum. “No, you can sit this one out. Thank you very much.” And what you are going to see, and it's already begun, and Joe has talked about it and others have reported on it, you know, the backstroke. "Okay. Well, that was then and this is now."

“No, we really, really weren't involved in that little thing that happened January 6th.” So they want people to forget. So we want to go to business as usual. But given the reporting that's out there. Given what we were just talking about. Given the actions of the likes of Kevin McCarthy, as everyone has appropriately referred to as going to kiss the boot of Donald Trump, yeah, can you not blame the congresswoman for saying, “You know what, I really don't want to do this one with you because you are a threat to me. And you have shown that by your words and your incitements. In some cases members of your party and their actions"? 

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