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CNN Lets Liberal Guest Trash Joe Manchin, Link to Future Shootings #Political

On Friday's New Day show, CNN demonstrated that it will even tolerate venom against moderate Democrats who are not liberal enough for them as gun control activist Fred Guttenberg was allowed to suggest West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin would be to blame for future shootings if he does not help Democrats end the filibuster.

As Guttenberg was invited on the show to respond to President Joe Biden's recently announced gun control proposals, the liberal activist went quickly went after Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott's response to the President, and tied in a mass shooting that happened in the state later in the day Thursday after Abbott had made his statement. Here's Guttenberg:

You opened with the Texas shooting yesterday, and I think yesterday could not make the choice more clear. President Biden spoke about saving lives. Shortly after that, Governor Abbott put out a tweet about -- with stupid lies in it, and then there was a massacre in Texas to follow. You're either on the side of saving lives or you're not. This isn't about the nonsense that Greg Abbott said. It is time to change direction -- President Biden did that for the nation yesterday.

CNN co-host Erica Hill did not push back on her liberal guest's attacks on Governor Abbott as she sympathetically followed up:

How do you get through on that conversation, though? I know this is such a difficult question and one you've been grappling with since this really became the focus of your life after your daughter was taken from you. It is such a hot-button issue for people. There is, to your point, a lot of misinformation out there. So if you feel that this is the moment, how do you carry through on that? How do you get through to people just to sit down and have a conversation and say, "Here are the facts"?

Guttenberg then took aim at Senator Manchin as he responded:

Well, listen, let's start with Senator Manchin, who was on your program just minutes ago. And let me remind him because he keeps talking about how he represents the people of his state. You know what? No, he doesn't. He ran to be a Senator. His decisions have national implications, and people die because of the things he does or doesn't do. My daughter died because of gun violence that was preventable because of things he now says he won't vote for. More people will die across this nation because of things Senator Manchin said this morning, okay?

He then declared that he wishes to schedule a meeting with the moderate West Virginia Democrat. Hill did not bother to ask her guest an obvious question as to how any of the recent mass shootings would have been prevented by any of the laws proposed by his liberal allies.

This episode of CNN's New Day was sponsored in part by Emergen-C. Their contact information is linked.

Transcript follows:


New Day

April 9, 2021

7:46 a.m. Eastern

FRED GUTTENBERG, FATHER OF PARKLAND SHOOTING VICTIM: You opened with the Texas shooting yesterday, and I think yesterday could not make the choice more clear. President Biden spoke about saving lives. Shortly after that, Governor Abbott put out a tweet about -- with stupid lies in it, and then there was a massacre in Texas to follow. You're either on the side of saving lives or you're not. This isn't about the nonsense that Greg Abbott said. It is time to change direction -- President Biden did that for the nation yesterday.

ERICA HILL: How do you get through on that conversation, though? I know this is such a difficult question and one you've been grappling with since this really became the focus of your life after your daughter was taken from you. It is such a hot-button issue for people. There is, to your point, a lot of misinformation out there. So if you feel that this is the moment, how do you carry through on that? How do you get through to people just to sit down and have a conversation and say, "Here are the facts"?

GUTTENBERG: Well, listen, let's start with Senator Manchin, who was on your program just minutes ago. And let me remind him because he keeps talking about how he represents the people of his state. You know what? No, he doesn't. He ran to be a Senator. His decisions have national implications, and people die because of the things he does or doesn't do. My daughter died because of gun violence that was preventable because of things he now says he won't vote for. More people will die across this nation because of things Senator Manchin said this morning, okay?

So let's remind people like Senator Manchin, "No, you got elected in your state -- you represent the nation -- and you need to make national choices." I plan to remind him. Now, after listening to him this morning, I want to get on a plane and fly to Washington, D.C., and sit with him in person, but I can't do that. They're closed down. So, Senator Manchin, let's find a coffee shop somewhere to meet. Let's meet. Let's get together. Let's talk about the reality of gun violence. Let's talk about why you need to be part of moving this Senate forward. The time to start saving lives is now.

HILL: To your point, he told our Lauren Fox he's happy to work with them to try to do something in the most constructive way...

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