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David Hogg Ditches Pillow Company Despite Media Hype #Political

On Saturday, gun control activist David Hogg announced what any rational person already assumed would be inevitable when he tweeted that he would be splitting from his pillow company that never even got off the ground. Although his intention to form a pillow company in February was hyped with much fanfare in the media, it was obvious from the start that his dream of competing with Mike Lindell's MyPillow was going nowhere as you can read in this pillow obituary in Sunday's Newsweek by Anders Anglesey:

In a series of tweets Hogg, 20, said he had stepped away from the pillow company that he planned to be "progressive competition" for MyPillow CEO and vocal conspiracy theorist, Mike Lindell.

On Saturday, Hogg thanked his Good Pillow partner William LeGate and said he would focus on his college studies and gun control activism.

He said: "Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC. I want to thank his partnership and wish him absolutely nothing but success with the future of Good Pillow."

Despite being a student at Harvard University, the sad yet hilarious reason for the demise probably came about at the very start due to Hogg not even bothering to register the Good Pillow name of his company after announcing it to the world.

In a February 16 tweet, LeGate said: "There is a fraudulent company going under the name good pillow who started selling fake products after we announced the name. They are not affiliated with us."

"If you order from them you might be scammed. We're in the process of dealing with this legally but we wanted to make aware."

According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office there are two separate trademark applications for Good Pillow, one filed on February 9 and the other two days later.

These were filed shortly after Hogg announced on Twitter the planned name for the company would be Good Pillow.

It should be noted that NewsBusters was the first to notice on March 13 that Hogg and his business partner failed to even register their pillow company name with the Patent and Trademark office. However, even though Newsweek at least noted the departure of Hogg from the business venture which died at birth, other media outlets which hyped the DOA pillow company in February, such as the Washington Post, have yet to report on this confirmation of the inevitable outcome.

Hogg explained the reason for his departure that goes on and on and on for 12 paragraphs on Twitter:

It might be embarrassing for Hogg but should it be any less embarrassing to the media outlets that were hyping their pillow company that started as a joke tweet to seek leftist vengeance upon Lindell's MyPillow?

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