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GOOD TIMES: Chappelle Recalls Celebs Leaving Nasty Notes in WH For Trump Team #Political

Hollywood is filled with such benevolent, peace-filled individuals who have spent the last four years persevering through the anger and hate coming from the White House. Just kidding, celebs are often contemptible jerks who hate people who don’t think like them. And a recent admission from Dave Chappelle shows they’re even more petty than we thought.

In an interview with former supermodel Naomi Campbell on her podcast No Filter, the famous comedian revealed a nasty story about sneaky Hollywood celebrities leaving secret hate notes for the incoming Trump administration during Obama’s last days in office. 

Yeah, Chapelle claimed that he witnessed first hand several famous people writing horrible notes to the Trump team during “one of the last big parties the Obamas threw.” These pranksters stashed them in places that Trump’s people would be bound to find, like desks and cabinets. 

How sickening. And yet Trump’s the one who disrespected the office of the president? These Hollywood idiots were playing around in the White House like it was a high school hallway on the set of Mean Girls.

Apparently in 2019, then-White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham complained about these gross, demoralizing notes – which said all manner of terrible things like “you will fail” or “you aren’t going to make it” – and blamed former staffers for them. Obama staffers “vehemently” denied the allegations and Grisham took them back and the mystery was never solved.

Well until now. And of course it was Hollywood punks. Chappelle finally disclosed the truth behind the mysterious notes five years later. Around 14 minutes into the interview, he asked Campbell, “Remember when the Trump administration moved in, they said the Obama staff left dirty notes for us in all the drawers and all the cabinets?” Oh man, that’s hilarious. Of course, Chapelle and Campbell found the story so amusing.

Amidst laughter from the former model, Chapelle continued, “I saw this happening. I'm not going to say who did it, but it was celebrities writing all this crazy shit and putting them all over there.” He added, “I saw them doing it, so when I saw that on the news I laughed real hard.” Yeah, typical. It’s all one big laugh. But Trump deserves it for his tweets. 

Again none of this behavior is surprising coming from the Hollywood crowd, many of which have spent the last five years saying all manner of hateful things about Trump and his supporters on social media. Though we’ll try not to be too hard on Chapelle for thinking it was hilarious. He has urged Democrats to have empathy for Trump supporters in the past, notably after Biden “won” the White House. 

Then again, Chapelle could have urged his rich friends to chill on the legitimate Trump hate in the White House five years ago. Either way, it all goes to prove that no matter how rich and famous you are, you can’t buy class. Hollywood sucks, and the whole world knows it.

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