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New York Will Offer Illegal Aliens COVID Payments Up To $15,600 Each #TheRedpill #Politics

New York is reportedly going to spend $2.1 Billion on a fund to give illegal aliens COVID relief payments up to $15,600 per person.   Beyond all the initial reactions to illegal aliens gaining seven times as much covid relief as citizen taxpayers, or even getting them at all, one little aspect remains undiscussed.

The only reason New York can afford to do this is because they received a massive amount of bailout support from within the Pelosi-Biden blue state relief effort.

In essence, U.S. taxpayers are subsidizing New York’s ability to pay illegal aliens $15,000 each.  Let that sink in…

New York Times – […] after a sweeping move by lawmakers this week, New York will now offer one-time payments of up to $15,600 to undocumented immigrants who lost work during the pandemic. The effort — a $2.1 billion fund in the state budget — is by far the biggest of its kind in the country and a sign of the state’s shift toward policies championed by progressive Democrats.

[…] Most Democrats would not speak publicly about fault lines in their party, but internal clashes emerged on social media on Tuesday as lawmakers squabbled about eligibility and traded personal insults.

New York’s fund dwarfs a similar relief program enacted in California, where officials set up a $75 million cash assistance program last year that gave undocumented immigrants a $500 one-time payment on a first-come, first-served basis.

[…] Undocumented workers could receive up to $15,600, the equivalent of $300 per week for the last year, if they can verify that they were state residents, ineligible for federal unemployment benefits and lost income as a result of the pandemic.

Others who can prove at least their residency and identity, and provide some work documentation, could be eligible for a lower sum up to $3,200. (read more)

New York cannot put the kids back in school… can’t take care of the citizen homeless…. cannot pay its own bills without a federal bailout, and now takes $2.1 billion and gives it to illegal aliens.  Good grief.


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