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Republicans Step Up to SCHOOL Liberal Media on Infrastructure Lies #Political

With the liberal media helping to shepherd President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure slush fund for Democratic pet projects, and their help with the Orwellian redefining of infrastructure, the left needed to be taken to task and called out for lying to the American people. Well, during Sunday’s This Week on ABC and CBS’s Face The Nation, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) and Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY), respectively, schooled their media hosts on lies being pushed by the Biden administration.

Things got a little heated on ABC when Christie went at it with host George Stephanopoulos over the fact Biden was lying about his plan being only about “infrastructure.” In fact, Stephanopoulos openly bellyached about his guest using the word “lie” to accurately describe Biden’s intentions.

“You cannot call a $400 billion plan to force unionization in states, to say that taking care of – increasing Medicaid payments in states is infrastructure,” the former Governor slammed the administration, noting that “language mattered.”

Adding: “And I said last week that the President's not telling the truth, and he's not telling the truth about the infrastructure package. This is the care economy? This is care infrastructure? It's baloney.”

When Stephanopoulos voiced his displeasure with Christie calling Biden a liar, Christie called out the media for changing their tune with presidential lies:

CHRISTIE: Here's what's not popular. Lying is not popular. It's not infrastructure, George!

STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you really want to use the word lie there, though? Come on.

CHRISTIE: Let's be fair here. If Donald Trump had come out and called a dog a cat, which is what Joe Biden is doing, we would be outraged by the fact that he's lying. But what Joe Biden is talking about is like “Oh well, come on, it's Joe.” No, no, no. It's not true.

“If he wants to make the case, George, for increased Medicaid payments and connected it to those payments, mandatorily using SEIU union members, let him make that case and see if he gets it passed,” he said.

Christie dropped the mic by noting that what he said was the truth whether or not the liberals on the panel wanted to admit it.

Meanwhile, on CBS a bit later in the day, Cheney had to correct the record on how much of Biden’s $2 trillion slush fund actually went towards legitimate infrastructure spending. “Six percent is actually focused on the kind of infrastructure that there is bipartisan support for. So, I would urge Democrats: let's focus on that,” she told moderator Margaret Brennan.

When Brennan asked Cheney about what Democrats needed to present to Republican to get their support, Cheney spelled it out plainly by saying it couldn’t be a slush fund:

Look, the bill would need to be fundamentally redone. It would need to be a different bill. It would need to actually focus on infrastructure, not on so many of the additional green new deal spending priorities, spending priorities that are focused on helping Democrat allies around the country.

Brennan went on to take up the Democratic mantle and argue in favor of some of the social programs that weren’t really infrastructure by any stretch of the imagination, such as paid family leave for women.

“If you want to talk about what is really going to help women get back to work, it’s getting schools open again. And Speaker Pelosi four times now, since January, has blocked the Reopen Schools Act from consideration on the House floor. Those are the kinds of things we ought to be focused on,” Cheney shot back.

The transcripts are below, click "expand" to read:

ABC’s This Week
April 11, 2021
9:07:08 a.m. Eastern


CHRIS CHRISTIE: I want us to look closely at the package. You cannot call a $400 billion plan to force unionization in states, to say that taking care of – increasing Medicaid payments in states is infrastructure.

Now, language does matter. We learned that in the last four years. How you use it and what you say. And I said last week that the President's not telling the truth, and he's not telling the truth about the infrastructure package. This is the care economy? This is care infrastructure? It's baloney.

And so, what's going to happen is the President right now is in the first 100 days and he's going to have that soothing persona and all the rest of it, but when people start to look at what he's really doing, George, those moderate voters --

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: But even the things you just mentioned right there are popular. People would love to have Medicaid increases.

RHAM EMANUEL: People would like their grandparents to be taken care of.

CHRISTIE: Here's what's not popular. Lying is not popular. It's not infrastructure, George!

STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you really want to use the word lie there, though? Come on.

CHRISTIE: Let's be fair here. If Donald Trump had come out and called a dog a cat, which is what Joe Biden is doing, we would be outraged by the fact that he's lying. But what Joe Biden is talking about is like “Oh well, come on, it's Joe.” No, no, no. It's not true.

If he wants to make the case, George, for increased Medicaid payments and connected it to those payments, mandatorily using SEIU union members, let him make that case and see if he gets it passed. I know he won't, and the people around this table – whether they’ll say it or not – they know it won't pass either.


CBS’s Face the Nation
April 11, 2021
10:47:55 a.m. Eastern


REP. LIZ CHENEY (R-WY): Look, the bill would need to be fundamentally redone. It would need to be a different bill. It would need to actually focus on infrastructure, not on so many of the additional green new deal spending priorities, spending priorities that are focused on helping Democrat allies around the country.

You know, we have already, as you pointed out, appropriated trillions of dollars since January, and last year as well. I'm really concerned about the impact on the economy, the potential inflationary pressure we might see with this additional injection of cash. And so much of it is unnecessary.

Six percent is actually focused on the kind of infrastructure that there is bipartisan support for. So, I would urge Democrats: let's focus on that.


10:48:55 a.m. Eastern

CHENEY: Look, Margaret, I think that there are fundamental differences in how the Democrats and the Republicans approach the economy. We know that we've got to enact policies that are going to help spur this economic recovery, policies that are going to create jobs, policies that are not going to expand the federal government so it’s involved in every aspect of our lives--

MARGARET BRENNAN (speaking over Cheney): But, as you know, that was so key when it came to female employment in this past pandemic-related contraction. Isn’t that something you think is necessary?

CHENEY: I think that it is very important for us to provide opportunity for everyone. And I think one of the things that Democrats often do is they try to sort of segment women out and say “well, these are the women's issues.” I think that women need to be in a position where they know their elected officials are doing everything possible to keep them safe, to keep the nation safe, to get their kids back in school.

If you want to talk about what is really going to help women get back to work, it’s getting schools open again. And Speaker Pelosi four times now, since January, has blocked the Reopen Schools Act from consideration on the House floor. Those are the kinds of things we ought to be focused on.


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