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Sunday Talks, Jim Jordan Discusses His Border Visit and Being Forbidden From Documenting Crisis – ANALYSIS: A Part of The Crisis Story Everyone is Missing #TheRedpill #Politics

Ohio Representative Jim Jordan appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss his visit to the U.S-Mexico border and what he personally witnessed.  Jim Jordan outlines how the JoeBama administration is blocking people from documenting the scale of the crisis and concludes the resulting influx is exactly what the administration wants.


ANALYSIS –  Many people (conservative media and politicians specifically) are misinterpreting the removal of the Biden administration’s Southern Border coordinator, Roberta Jacobson, from office.  Jacobson was not removed from her position for being ineffective, her removal was announced because her goal was successfully accomplished.  [It is frustrating to read THIS STUFF]

Let me be clear… Roberta Jacobson was put into position in January by those in control of the Biden administration specifically to coordinate this mass migration influx.  Her mission was to create the crisis, not to prevent it.  She was put into place to trigger the mass migration.  How do we know this?….

When Roberta Jacobson was Ambassador to Mexico she was working against the policy of the Trump administration.  She was running a covert effort to pipeline Central American immigrants through Mexico into the United States.  Yes, Roberta Jacobson was part of the trafficking network; that is why she was removed from her position in March 2018…  President Trump found out Roberta Jacobson was working with far-left immigration groups against his administration.

When Trump eventually found out what Jacobson was doing in Mexico, he quickly dispatched Jared Kushner to meet with Mexican officials and outline that Jacobson did not represent President Trump and she was fired.  [Remember, this was before AMLO was elected]

FLASHBACK MARCH 2018 –  Jared Kushner was in Mexico Wednesday to repair relations with the United States’ southern neighbor and key trading partner after a tense phone call between Presidents Donald Trump and Enrique Pena Nieto ended recently with the Mexican leader’s canceling a planned visit to America.

But Kushner, Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law who had no government or diplomatic experience before taking office …  has been criticized for not including the outgoing U.S. ambassador in his meetings.

[…] After Wednesday’s meetings, however, it appeared there had been little progress in rescheduling. Mexican officials say both sides agreed that a future meeting will depend on how much progress is made on other issues, including NAFTA, migration, economic cooperation, and security, which would include Trump’s proposal for a border wall.

[…] U.S. Ambassador Roberta Jacobson, a 30-year veteran of U.S.-Latin America policy and top diplomat who has announced her resignation, was not in either of Kushner’s meetings with Videgaray or Pena Nieto, according to a statement and photos released by the Mexican government. She was also not even invited, according to The New York Times. .. (read more)

It must be remembered the spring of 2018 was when President Trump was pushing forward with the USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA and the former Mexican government was pushing back hard against it.  President Trump announced he would initiate economic leverage against Mexico including tariffs if they did not comply with closing the NAFTA loopholes and supporting a new trade deal.

Videgaray and Nieto were fighting against President Trump and making threats to flood the U.S. with illegal aliens.  In the background Ambassador Jacobson was working as an inside agent to assist Mexico against President Trump.  Part of that effort by Ms. Jacobson was to organize and trigger the migrant caravan wave that happened in the fall of 2018.

The migrant caravan held a dual purpose of benefit for Ambassador Jacobson and the Mexican government:

(1) The caravan of immigrants was a coordinated ideological effort of the far-left, the open border community.

(2) The caravan of immigrants and the crisis they carried would be used as leverage by Mexican officials against Trump policy in the economic trade negotiations.

♦ In August of 2017 President Trump and Commerce Secretary Ross were discussing their trade efforts within NAFTA and renegotiation with Mexico/Canada on a trilateral basis. However, the U.S. administration said if it doesn’t work, they’d scrap the 3-way NAFTA deal and go one-on-one with individual bilateral agreements.

In response, Mexican Economic Minister Ildefonso Guajardo threatened to flood the U.S. with South American illegal aliens, criminals and gang members as leverage:

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico could pull back on cooperation in migration and security matters if the United States walks away from talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Mexican economy minister said in a newspaper report published on Thursday.

“If they do not treat [us] well commercially, they should not expect us to treat them well by containing the migration that comes from other regions of the world and crosses Mexico,” Guajardo said. “Or they should not expect to be treated well in collaboration with security issues in the region.” (LINK)

However, Mexican Minister Ildefonso Guarjardo’s threat was mild compared to a threat in January 2017, when another Mexican official promised to flood the U.S. with South American drugs and gang violence:

♦ In a stunning segment on Fareed Zakaria’s CNN broadcast January 29th, 2017, Mexico’s former foreign minister, Jorge Castaneda, states the Mexican government was willing to counter U.S. President Donald Trump policy by unleashing drug cartels upon the U.S. border.

Watch, and more importantly LISTEN, to his words at 02:10 below (Prompted):

This was the most politically explosive admission by the Mexican government in the past decade. Even Fareed Zakaria realized what was being threatened and quickly attempted to redirect the conversation.

Mr. Castaneda was openly admitting a willingness to promote drug trafficking. Additionally, Jorge Castaneda is so proud of the threat, he posted a video of the discussion on his own YouTube page.

This was the background battle in 2017.  Mexican officials were working with U.S. State Department officials and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to block President Trump from enforcing immigration limits, border security, building a wall and then proceeding to get rid of NAFTA.  The entire diplomatic corps, and Wall Street group which finds them, were trying to stop President Trump’s initiative.

Trump was waging this economic confrontation against Mexico at the same time he was dealing with North Korea nukes, moving trade policy in Southeast Asia, initiating tariffs against China and coordinating energy independence with peace in the middle-east.  There was so much going on that almost no-one was paying attention to the issues in Mexico…. UNTIL the fall of 2018 when the Central American caravans hit the headlines.

Roberta Jacobson had coordinated the caravans and was fired by Trump in the spring of 2018.  So when Biden hired Jacobson to be the border coordinator in January 2021 for 100 days (note the timeline was not accidental) she was installed specifically to trigger this massive influx of illegal aliens; which is an exact duplication of what she did in 2018 as Ambassador to Mexico.

Jacobson was always going to leave the administration after her successful mission.  It was planned this way.  The only reason she is leaving a little earlier is because she accomplished her task ahead of schedule.  She is leaving early because she did better than JoeBama expected.

Hopefully that clears up the confusion.

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