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Tin Foil Hat Time: MSNBC Is the Home of Conspiracy Crackpots! #Political

It is oftentimes hard to tell the difference between YouTube conspiracy theory channels and the alleged journalists in the liberal media. On Sunday morning’s The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart, host Jonathan Capehart brought on senior political editor Perry Bacon Jr. to spin wild conspiracy theories about the Republican Party. Bacon went on a rant where he declared that the Republican Party "is pretty organized and actually has some policies which are basically, how do we maintain the existing racial and economic status quo?" 

Capehart began the Democratic propaganda by complimenting Bacon for an article in which he bashed the Republican Party and asserting that the “party is foregone. It's done.”

Attacks on Republicans are nothing new for Capehart, as he recently called Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) a “fool” for being black and a Republican and has compared Donald Trump to infamous segregationist George Wallace.

This enabled Bacon to don his tin foil hat and rant about how Republicans are conspiring to “maintain the existing racial and economic status quo” and “make it harder for Black Lives Matter people to protest.” He also continued MSNBC’s ongoing lies about the new Georgia election law:

All the Republicans are defending this Georgia law, for example, from all wings of the party essentially. The Republican Party is pretty organized and actually has some policies which are basically, how do we maintain the existing racial and economic status quo? So if you follow the state policy around the country, they have an agenda. You know, make it harder for Black Lives Matter people to protest, cut taxes, you know, weaken public schools. They have an agenda they’re passing, you know, like, you know, make it harder for people to vote in states all over -- Iowa, Florida, Georgia, Arizona -- these voter laws are passing everywhere.

Because those who work at MSNBC are leftist authoritarians, they have decided that somehow policies which limit the government such as tax cuts are racist. In a particularly cringe-y segment in February, MSNBC host Ali Velshi brought on a guest to proclaim that “there's such a fierce antigovernment skepticism and suspicion among the majority of white voters'' because of the “idea that government is on the side of people of color.”

Furthermore, despite Bacon’s false claims, the Georgia voting law has nothing to do with race. The law is an attempt to shore up the voting system which caused the drawn out and controversial 2020 Georgia Senate Races. It does this through requiring photo ID for absentee voters, lessening the time period in which Georgians can request an absentee ballot, limiting where ballot drop boxes can be located, and appointing someone other than the secretary of state to head the state election board.

Bacon was at least more honest than most of the leftist hacks at MSNBC by admitting that he is a Democrat, as he bemoaned the Democrats barely taking Congress and the presidency in November by saying that “we did not come that far. We have a Democratic trifecta, but the Republicans almost won the Senate.”

Bacon is so partisan that he was called out by another leftist on MSNBC for just repeating Democratic talking points, so maybe he decided to drop the act of being an objective journalist.

He then alleged that Republicans are successful in elections despite being “immoral” and “racist” because you know, Americans are racist, awful people:

One reason why they’re continuing on a course that is in some ways immoral and some ways racist is because this course is not as bad electorally as I thought it would have been. 

With this kind of content, MSNBC resembles Infowars more closely than it does a news channel.

This hateful rant was sponsored by USAA and Lexus. Let them know here if you think they should be sponsoring this content.

Read the full April 11th transcript here:

The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart


10:07:10 AM

JONATHAN CAPEHART: Joining our conversation now is Soledad O'Brien, president and CEO of Soledad O'Brien productions, and Perry Bacon Jr., senior political writer for Thank you both for -- for being here. I would love -- Perry, you had this great piece in FiveThirtyEight about the state of -- of the Republican party. Chairman Steele was just talking about how Speaker Boehner's book is, you know, sending up a flare about, you know, what's coming for the party. To my mind, it seems like the party is -- is foregone. It's -- it’s done. 

PERRY BACON JR. (SENIOR POLITICAL WRITER FOR FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM): Well I will say two things. I think I disagree with you slightly, Jonathan, when you said Mitch McConnell is not really part of the party of Trump. I disagree with that. I think the last four years show most of the quote/unquote establishment Republicans, you know, who are actually in office, are fully in line with Trump and Trumpism. Maybe they wouldn't use the language they -- Trump uses. They wouldn't say go back to your country to Ayanna Pressley obviously. They wouldn't use that rhetoric, but in terms of the actual policies, Mitch McConnell is fully on board. All the Republicans are defending this Georgia law, for example, from all wings of the party essentially. The Republican Party is pretty organized and actually has some policies which are basically, how do we maintain the existing racial and economic status quo? So if you follow the state policy around the country, they have an agenda. You know, make it harder for Black Lives Matter people to protest, cut taxes, you know, weaken public schools. They have an agenda they’re passing, you know, like, you know, make it harder for people to vote in states all over -- Iowa, Florida, Georgia, Arizona -- these voter laws are passing everywhere. So they have an agenda. It's just one to basically own and stop the left. And one reason they're so competent in pushing this is we did not come that far. We have a Democratic trifecta, but the Republicans almost won the Senate. They almost won the House. Trump almost won the presidency. So it’s -- and they gained among Latino voters a lot in 2020. So they -- one reason why they’re continuing on a course that is in some ways immoral and some ways racist is because this course is not as bad electorally -- 


BACON JR.: -- as I thought it would have been. 

CAPEHART: Right. Right.

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