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Witness Intimidation, Racial Antagonists Throw Blood and Pig Head on Former Residence of Defense Witness in Derek Chauvin Trial #TheRedpill #Politics

As the closing arguments of the Derek Chauvin trial wrap up today those who want to advance racial hatred attempt to intimidate a prior defense witness. Former police training officer Barry Brodd  testified for the defense.  His former home in Santa Rosa, California, was attacked Sunday with a pigs head left on the blood-splattered front porch.  Fortunately Mr. Brodd had previously moved away from that location, but the current owner was obviously mortified.

The far-left is once again using every resource to trigger violence and hatred around this case.   Without a doubt the activists inside Obama’s Chicago network are coordinating the effort.  They have been exploiting the death of George Floyd for maximum political value and antagonism from the outset.

CALIFORNIA – A group of as of yet unidentified vandals reportedly threw a bloody severed pigs head on the porch of the former home of a retired California cop who served as a defense witness in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the ex-Minneapolis police officer currently standing trial for the murder of George Floyd.

According to NBC, the current resident of former training officer Barry Brodd’s former home in Santa Rosa found the animal’s head on their blood-splattered front porch around 3 a.m. Saturday morning in what appears to be a case of mistaken identity – or, just stupidity by vandals too dumb to realize that Brodd hadn’t lived at the house for years.

The local police department says it seems the home was targeted because of Brodd’s witness testimony in Chauvin’s trial, in which Brodd likened Floyd’s death to an “accidental death.”  

“That isn’t an incident of deadly force,” Brodd said during the trial, according to the Associated Press. “That’s an incident of an accidental death.”

The unfortunate current resident of Brodd’s old house called the police after seeing multiple suspects, dressed in all black, fleeing the scene. The same group is thought to have soaked a local statue in blood and left a sign reading “Oink Oink” about 45 minutes later. (read more)

Rage, hatred and violence is the mantra of the far-left….

The people behind the coordination of this national division are the same communists who indoctrinated Barack Obama into the Alinsky methods.  It is all one large soup mix of various racial antagonizers in the same pot.  This is what they do…. this is how they drive division.

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