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Wow: Defiant CBS Ends ‘60 Minutes’ Unapologetic Over DeSantis Hit Piece #Political

CBS is standing by their malicious hit piece on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. On yesterday’s 60 Minutes, reporter Sharyn Alfonsi responded to the heavy criticism with an unapologetic update at the tail end of the show.

Alfonsi first read a flattering fan mail from a fellow journalist praising her "truthful" April 4 report, (which falsely accused DeSantis of a “pay to play” scheme in his COVID-19 vaccine rollout and then cut out his defense):

Viewers focused on an exchange with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at a press conference. Some viewers, including a retired newsman, applauded the story. "Ron DeSantis will continue to deny, refute... Call your reporting a witch hunt. I can only hope that you continue to investigate and expose the truth." 

But right after this, Alfonsi rightly noted there was more criticism “condemning our editing and reporting,” before reading two comments:

But many more comments condemned our editing and reporting. "Shameful biased reporting-- that is what you are guilty of. You are no longer journalists, but lobbyists and advocates." Then there was this: "I have watched '60 minutes' for decades. After your biased piece on Governor DeSantis, I will only watch it one more time-- just to see if you broadcast this message."

Afterwards, Alfonsi said nothing. That was it. No apology. She signed off with, “I'm Sharyn Alfonsi. We'll be back next week with another edition of 60 Minutes.”

After a week of outrage over the deceptive report, the news network previewed how they would respond to the criticism this past week, with this self-righteous media statement: “For over 50 years, the facts reported by 60 Minutes have often stirred debate and prompted strong reactions. Our story Sunday night speaks for itself:

This kind of shameless doubling down on spin, facts be damned, is exactly why trust in the media is so low.

60 Minutes is paid for by sponsors, Consumer Cellular and Ford, contact them at the Conservatives Fight Back page here.

Read the transcript below:

60 Minutes


SHARYN ALFONSI:  In the mail this week, comments on our story about disparities in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine in Palm Beach County, Florida. Viewers focused on an exchange with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at a press conference. Some viewers, including a retired newsman, applauded the story. "Ron DeSantis will continue to deny, refute... Call your reporting a witch hunt. I can only hope that you continue to investigate and expose the truth." 

But many more comments condemned our editing and reporting. "Shameful biased reporting-- that is what you are guilty of. You are no longer journalists, but lobbyists and advocates." Then there was this: "I have watched '60 minutes' for decades. After your biased piece on Governor DeSantis, I will only watch it one more time-- just to see if you broadcast this message." [clock ticking] I'm Sharyn Alfonsi. We'll be back next week with another edition of 60 Minutes.

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