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Joy Behar Scoffs, ‘Lucky Guess’ for Trump to Blame China Lab Leak for Pandemic #Political

Despite being out of office and banned from major social media outlets, President Trump still triggers Joy Behar. 

The View co-host couldn’t bring herself to give the former president any credit, as more and more media reports have come out adding veracity to the theory touted by Trump at the beginning of the pandemic, that the COVID-19 coronavirus strain looks like it may have escaped from a research lab in Wuhan, China. 

The show hosts began by playing a clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health further distancing himself from his earlier strongly held position that there was no evidence supporting the lab leak theory.

Whoopi Goldberg prompted Behar to bash conservative criticism of Dr. Fauci with this flippant question: “Joy Is it fair to criticize Fauci for not knowing the exact answer when everyone wanted it?” 

Behar chuckled before tearing into Republicans as “anti-science.”

“No. I mean, you know, this anti-science crowd on the right with the -- with Trump has been criticizing Fauci from the giddy up as if he's an Oracle of Delphi instead of a scientist. The man gets the facts, gets the information and then adjusts what he says to people. What do they expect from him?” she complained.

Behar then defended China as unfair targets of the former president, scoffing that if Trump was right about the virus origin, that would only be a “lucky guess:"

Trump was blaming the Chinese from the beginning. He was using them as scapegoats. If it happens to be true it was from Wuhan, then that was just a lucky break on his part because he took a guess, in my opinion."

Fellow co-host Sara Haines also defended the media’s automatic dismissal of the theory because apparently our “racist” president was less trustworthy than the Chinese Communist Party:

When that theory came out that it could have come from a lab, it came out under the former administration. I think the messenger matters. I think during that time when that theory started to be told, it was buried in an administration and a former president who often kind of troped in uh, kind of racist terms and dog whistles. So it buried the message that could have been actually reasonable but no one was going to hear it because it came from under Trump's administration and the media at that time was used to what he doled out. ….

Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin complained any investigation into the pandemic's origins would be "highly politicized" and that was Trump's fault, (and he was probably wrong anyway:)

HOSTIN: As Joy just referenced, the prior administration bungled, you know, the handling of the pandemic. There's just no question about it. The prior administration hid a lot of information from United States citizens. The prior administration, you know, just bungled any vaccine roll-out. They had no plans. They didn't follow the Obama infectious disease plan. They hampered scientists from sharing information. He was trafficking in you know, saying things like you know, you could swallow bleach and cure this. I think that it will be highly politicized but I also--and I think if you speak to experts in viral genome evolution they determined this is -- it's almost certainly was not engineered like a bio weapon that senator Tom Cotton seems to be pushing, that in fact it was probably naturally occurring.

The View was sponsored by CarShield contact them at the Conservatives Fight Back page here.

Read the transcript portions below:

The View


WHOOPI GOLDBERG:  Sara, do you think that because this pandemic hit in the way that it hit that everybody had an idea of where it came from, but nobody knew for sure and no one was letting the science roll out to find out? Do you think that might be a reason people had so many different theories? 

SARA HAINES: I do….When that theory came out that it could have come from a lab, it came out under the former administration. I think the messenger matters. I think during that time when that theory started to be told, it was buried in an administration and a former president who often kind of troped in uh, kind of racist terms and dog whistles. So it buried the message that could have been actually reasonable but no one was going to hear it because it came from under Trump's administration and the media at that time was used to what he doled out. ….

GOLDBERG:  Joy Is it fair to criticize Fauci for not knowing the exact answer when everyone wanted it? 

JOY BEHAR:  No. I mean, you know, this anti-science crowd on the right with the -- with Trump has been criticizing Fauci from the giddy up as if he's an Oracle of D\elphi instead of a scientist. The man gets the facts, gets the information and then adjusts what he says to people. What do they expect from him? Trump was blaming the Chinese from the beginning. He was using them as scapegoats. If it happens to be true it was from Wuhan, then that was just a lucky break on his part because he took a guess, in my opinion.

GOLDBERG: Sunny, any investigation on this will be highly politicized. What's the takeaway for you here? 

SUNNY HOSTIN: Well, I think it will be highly politicized. As joy just referenced, the prior administration bungled, you know, the handling of the pandemic. There's just no question about it. The prior administration hid a lot of information from United States citizens. The prior administration, you know, just bungled any vaccine roll-out. They had no plans. They didn't follow the Obama infectious disease plan. They hampered scientists from sharing information. He was trafficking in you know, saying things like you know, you could swallow bleach and cure this. I think that it will be highly politicized but I also--and I think if you speak to experts in viral genome evolution they determined this is -- it's almost certainly was not engineered like a bio weapon that senator Tom Cotton seems to be pushing, that in fact it was probably naturally occurring. But The bottom line is we don't know 100%. We don’t know 100%. Science is an evolutionary type of thing so you have to find out everything, right?

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