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Cuomo: There’s a 'Through-Line' from Tulsa Race Massacre to GOP Today #Political

June 1 marked the 100-year anniversary of when a white mob slaughtered roughly 300 black residents of Tulsa’s Black Wall Street neighborhood, known as the Tulsa Race Massacre. It was a terrible day in American history that had never been repeated. But according to ghoulish CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo, that kind of hatred was peculating just under the surface of the modern Republican Party. And the evidence was in their election integrity bills and laws.

Despite the fact that most of the whites in that mob that murdered 300 black Americans were more than likely Democrats (the party of Cuomo and his family), he claimed it was the GOP that shared the so-called “through-line” with the event.

And at the same time that we condemn this as obscene, as a reminder of what is wrong, we see in real-time today one of the greatest assaults on democracy underway once again targeting minorities,” he declared. “The party of Trump intensifying its efforts to strip people of color of their rights to vote. The boldest attempt since the era of Jim Crow.”

Following a heavily edited video of President Biden making his case, Cuomo elaborated further. “A through-line, a through-line of hate,” he said, equating murder to election integrity. “A through-line means just because there's not another Tulsa massacre doesn't mean the efforts are not equally unholy and un-American. Those efforts that we've seen recently.”

Back in reality, we know that it was Democrats who were historically supportive of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and targeting blacks with eugenics programs like Planned Parenthood.

The facts meant nothing to Cuomo (as often happened with CNN) as he went on to claim the Republican Party had become a safe harbor of neo-Nazis and white supremacists:

You know there are neo-Nazis. You know there are white supremacists but they’ve always been kept, in the modern era, on the fringes of society. Stay where you're supposed to be in the shadows. You deserve nothing else. You have the right to speak, but what you say is not right, and we will not regard it as such. Abject bigotry. Now it's at worse embraced and at least minimized by an entire political party.

He went from newsman to activist as he argued that the only way to combat the GOP on election integrity was to go along with a federal takeover of state elections via the For the People Act.

“And elections have predominantly been run by the states. But if you take on this many laws in this many states as a function of litigation, it will take years and absolutely multiple election cycles to kick out even the most egregious and obvious examples,” he desperately warned his dwindling viewership. “And so, only Congress can hold back the latest wave of Jim Crow.”

And before bringing on his so-called “better minds” panel, Cuomo wrapped up his monologue with a lament that Democratic election efforts were facing defeat in the Senate and this disgustingly dishonest call to action: “So what option does that leave? Are we just going to watch another mass attack on minorities unfold?

And shortly after Cuomo made his ghoulish comments, the Twitter account for his show tweeted out a video (embedded above) of the entire monologue and proudly wrote: "The party of Trump is intensifying its efforts to strip people of color of their rights to vote, says @chriscuomo. 'The boldest attempt, since the era of Jim Crow.'"

This is CNN.

Chris Cuomo’s lies and anti-Republican hatred were made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Fidelity and Uber. Their contact information is linked so you can tell them about the biased news they fund.

The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:

CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time
June 1, 2021
9:00:50 p.m. Eastern

CHRIS CUOMO: Is America getting better? The answer is yes, but only when we see past wrongs and work to right them. And so, here we are on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, the deadliest attack on black Americans on U.S. soil, when as many as 300 in the thriving Black Wall Street district were slaughtered by a white mob. That's the story. Any mitigation of that is not the truth.

And at the same time that we condemn this as obscene, as a reminder of what is wrong, we see in real time today one of the greatest assaults on democracy under way once again targeting minorities. The party of Trump intensifying its efforts to strip people of color of their rights to vote. The boldest attempt since the era of Jim Crow. President Biden drew a through line in Tulsa today.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: 100 years ago at this hour on this first day of June, smoke darkened the Tulsa sky. [Transition] This was not a riot. This was a massacre. [Transition] I come here to help fill the silence. Because in silence, wounds deepen. [Transition] What happened in Greenwood was an act of hate and domestic terrorism. With a through-line that exists today still.

CUOMO: A through line, a through-line of hate. A through line means just because there's not another Tulsa massacre doesn't mean the efforts are not equally unholy and un-American. Those efforts that we've seen recently.


9:03:11 p.m. Eastern

You know there are neo-Nazis. You know there are white supremacists but they’ve always been kept, in the modern era, on the fringes of society. Stay where you're supposed to be in the shadows. You deserve nothing else. You have the right to speak, but what you say is not right, and we will not regard it as such. Abject bigotry. Now it's at worse embraced and at least minimized by an entire political party.


9:07:00 p.m. Eastern

CUOMO: Look, to win out at a state level, you could do that. There's going to be a constitutional argument about whose right it is at some point. And elections have predominantly been run by the states. But if you take on this many laws in this many states as a function of litigation, it will take years and absolutely multiple election cycles to kick out even the most egregious and obvious examples. And so, only Congress can hold back the latest wave of Jim Crow.

The For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, they would go a long way. They're not going to fix everything. But here's the bigger problem -- Biden has no path to passing either. He is in a Senate that is split, and there seems to be no indication that you will have the filibuster get removed.

So what option does that leave? Are we just going to watch another mass attack on minorities unfold?


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