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On Fox, Elder Responds to LA Times MUD: 'Larry Elder is the Black Face of White Supremacy' #Political

On Friday, the Los Angeles Times pulled out the mudslinging tactics as black conservative Larry Elder is leading the race for governor if Gavin Newsom is recalled in a few weeks. The title was "Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned." Elder mocked it on Twitter:

The columnist wasn't some outsider. It's Times columnist Erika D. Smith, who dragged out every leftist harangue: 

It’s not just that Elder would be a Trump fanboy Republican trying to run a state dominated by Democrats. Or that he has zero experience in elected office and clearly doesn’t have the temperament for governance. (He can’t even take questions from journalists without losing his cool.)

It’s that — perhaps out of spite or perhaps out of an insatiable need for attention — Elder opposes every single public policy idea that’s supported by Black people to help Black people...Indeed, his candidacy feels personal. Like an insult to Blackness.

Democrats think they represent Democracy. So when they lose, democracy is dying in darkness. Black Democrats think they represent Blackness. Oppose them, and somehow, you're a "white supremacist." Smith continued:

“He is a danger, a clear and present danger,” said Melina Abdullah, cofounder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles…

Abdullah of Black Lives Matter: “Anytime you put a Black face on white supremacy, which is what Larry Elder is, there are people who will utilize that as an opportunity to deny white supremacy. They say, ‘How could this be white supremacy? This is a Black man.’ But everything that he’s pushing, everything that he stands for, he is advancing white supremacy.”

Black people know better than anyone how dangerous Elder is. He is the OG troll that no one was supposed to feed. But here we are.

Newsom hasn’t been perfect...

But as [state Sen. Sydney] Kamlager said, “I’m not interested in going back to Jim Crow because I want to have a Black person as governor.”

No "fact checker" will check any of this lying garbage. Instead, Melina Abdullah is getting the sugar-rush treatment elsewhere on the LA Times website.

Elder appeared on Hannity on Friday night, and Sean Hannity said "We have been friends a long time. I am sorry, I am genuinely friend to friend, sorry that you have to go through something as evil and horrific and racist as that."

Elder said he anticipated this. "This is not the first time the L.A. Times has attacked me. There is another writer that all but called me a black David Duke." The Democrats are panicking. 

"Sean, they are scared to death. They know if California can elect a conservative governor like myself, and they can and they will come on September the 14th, that any state can, and they're deathly afraid of this," Elder said. "I am told that Senator Dianne Feinstein is more feeble than Joe Biden, and if she retires and becomes incapacitated, they are afraid that I will appoint a Republican governor, and that would shift the whole balance in the Senate. So, for all those reasons, it is mayday for the Democrats."

This Fox News segment was brought to you by AT&T. A fuller transcript is below:

SEAN HANNITY: I see you smiling. We have been friends a long time. I am sorry, I am genuinely friend to friend, sorry that you have to go through something as evil and horrific and racist as that.

LARRY ELDER, CALIFORNIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Well, Sean, thank you for that, but I anticipated that would happen. This is why a lot of people don't go into politics, because of the politics of personal destruction. This is not the first time the L.A. Times has attacked me. There is another writer that all but called me a black David Duke.

And I've been a politician now for a little more than a month. And at first, as you know, they tried to keep me off the ballot claiming I didn't probably turn over five years of taxes. We ended up suing and a left-wing judge said that Elder was right, ad threw that out, and putting me right back on the ballot.

And then I was accused of hating women because I wrote an article 21 years ago where I cited a study from the left-wing Annenberg School of Journalism that looked at 25 questions, ask of men and women, if men knew more about those questions as did women come. And I quoted a left-wing professor who said the reason women knew less is because they get their primary source from local news, quote, and she said watching local news makes you dumber," close quote. I didn't say that, she did.

And then I was accused of brandishing a firearm at a former girlfriend. I want to say right now, I have never brandished a firearm, loaded or unloaded, at anybody. As for the rest of the allegations she made, not going to dignify them by giving them a comment.

And now we have this article from the L.A. Times. You are right, Sean, they are scared to death. They know if California can elect a conservative governor like myself, and they can and they will come on September the 14th, that any state can, and they're deathly afraid of this. I am told that Senator Dianne Feinstein is more feeble than Joe Biden, and if she retires and becomes incapacitated, they are afraid that I will appoint a Republican governor, and that would shift the whole balance in the Senate.

So, for all those reasons, it is mayday for the Democrats. And so, Joe Biden has weighed in, Kamala Harris has weighed in, Elizabeth Warren has cut a commercial, didn't defend his record on crime, on homelessness, on the rising cost of living, on the way he shut down the state without paying attention to science. They just attacked, attacked, attacked, and said it was driven by Republicans. That's all they've got.

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