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SHAME: Vile Sharpton Show Lets Guest Compare Pro-Lifers to 'Suicide Bombers' #Political

On Saturday's PoliticsNation show, MSNBC again showed its hostility to pro-lifers when host Al Sharpton allowed a guest to ridiculously liken opponents of abortion to "suicide bombers." Here's the full quote: " What it reminds me of quite honestly is a suicide bomber, someone who feels like they have the right and the moral duty to mess up somebody else's life for the greater good." 

This incendiary attack on pro-life advocates ironically came during a segment that started off as a discussion of the possibility that there have been several blacks who have been lynched in Mississippi in recent decades.

After civil rights attorney Jill Collen Jefferson discussed her efforts to re-investigate several alleged suicides to discover if they might have been murders, Sharpton turned attention to Mississippi's attempt to ban abortion after 15 weeks. Apparently unconcerned about the large number of unborn black children killed by abortion providers, Sharpton posed:

Attorney Jefferson, as we talk about civil and human rights in Mississippi, I want to mention the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments about a currently blocked state law that would ban all abortions after 15 weeks. And so the heavily poor, young, and black women who stand to lose access to the only abortion clinic in the state sounds as much about civil rights as abortion rights to me. What are your thoughts, counselor?

Jefferson began her response: "Yes, this is a matter of civil rights. Having the right to an abortion is a constitutional right. It's grounded in the right to privacy that is within the Constitution. And I find it really interesting that part of this argument is an argument about, you know, 'the right to an abortion is not explicitly listed in the Constitution.'"

She then not only claimed that there is no "right to bear arms" in the Constitution even though the Second Amendment uses those exacts words, but she also smeared pro-lifers as being like murderers:

But you know what? Neither is the right to bear arms. That -- the way that we interpret that law is the interpretation of a constitutional provision, the Second Amendment. In this, we're interpreting -- we are interpreting another constitutional provision, yet we're not applying that same logic to the situation. What it reminds me of quite honestly is a suicide bomber, someone who feels like they have the right and the moral duty to mess up somebody else's life for the greater good.

This vitriol from MSNBC was sponsored in part by RAM. Click on the link to let them know what you think. 

Transcript follows. Click "expand" to read more. 



August 28, 2021

5:48 p.m. Eastern

AL SHARPTON: Attorney Jefferson, as we talk about civil and human rights in Mississippi, I want to mention the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments about a currently blocked state law that would ban all abortions after 15 weeks. And so the heavily poor, young, and black women who stand to lose access to the only abortion clinic in the state sounds as much about civil rights as abortion rights to me. What are your thoughts, counselor?

JILL COLLEN JEFFERSON, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Yes, this is a matter of civil rights. Having the right to an abortion is a constitutional right. It's grounded in the right to privacy that is within the Constitution. And I find it really interesting that part of this argument is an argument about, you know, "the right to an abortion is not explicitly listed in the Constitution."

But you know what? Neither is the right to bear arms. That -- the way that we interpret that law is the interpretation of a constitutional provision, the Second Amendment. In this, we're interpreting -- we are interpreting another constitutional provision, yet we're not applying that same logic to the situation. What it reminds me of quite honestly is a suicide bomber, someone who feels like they have the right and the moral duty to mess up somebody else's life for the greater good.

SHARPTON: Attorney Jill Collen Jefferson, thank you for being with us tonight.

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