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Weekend at Biden’s: CBS Tries to Prop Up Pres as Tough on Terrorists #Political

Shockingly, the Biden administration’s reliance on the Taliban to stop other terrorist attacks around the Kabul airport proved to be a failure on Thursday, as a pair of ISIS-K suicide bombers left 13 U.S. service members and at least 60 Afghans slaughtered. But despite this fact, the CBS Evening News tried to prop up President Biden in an attempt to make him appear tough on terror, boosting his claims of coming retribution, and decrying Republicans who dared to criticize his dangerously lacking leadership.

Instead of approaching the bombings from the common-sense perspective that the Taliban willingly allowed the bombers through the checkpoint to attack us via proxy, CBS international correspondent Charlie D’Agada framed it as ISIS-K being too sly for the Taliban to detect:

The Taliban, responsible for the security around the airport, condemned the bombings. Yet, despite specific warnings from western intelligence agencies that an attack was imminent, Afghanistan’s new rulers were incapable of doing anything to stop it.

From there, chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes hyped a soundbite of Biden from his late press conference where he talked about ordering plans to strike back at ISIS-K. “The President said he has ordered the Pentagon to draw up plans to strike back at the ISIS offshoot that claimed responsibility for the bombing,” she reported.

Towards the end of her report, Cordes decried how Republicans were unified in opposition to Biden’s incompetency:

CORDES: Republicans, who were already critical of the White House withdrawal plan, blamed the casualties on the Commander-in-Chief, calling the crisis “inexcusable” “mess.”

CONGRESSMAN DAN CRENSHAW (R-TX): Biden’s the only one who really followed through with the stupidest possible option. And now we’re paying in blood for it.

CORDES: Republican leader Mitch McConnell wrote: ‘This murderous attack offers the clearest possible reminder that terrorists will not stop fighting the United States just because our politicians grow tired of fighting them.

Some Republicans even called on President Biden to resign,” she huffed as she touted Biden’s blame-shifting to Trump.

But amazingly, it was NBC Nightly News who called out the ridiculousness of relying on terrorists to protect American lives. “The U.S. is relying on the Taliban to prescreen crowds pushing to get into the airport, hoping for a flight out of Afghanistan. Patting them down before they're checked by U.S. troops,” reported chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel. “Today, this staggeringly new and bizarre security cooperation broke down.”

And it was chief White House correspondent Peter Alexander who highlighted the “bipartisan demands for change, including the U.S.’s reliance on the Taliban for security at the airport.” Adding: “And Republicans are blasting the President for sticking with the strategy they say has failed.”

He also included a soundbite of Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who declared, “[P]retending like this could be a success like this plan could be salvaged, but that's impossible at this point.” Alexander also noted that “Top Democrat Senator Bob Menendez” penned his outrage, saying, “We can't trust the Taliban with American security.”

CBS’s attempt to prop up President Biden’s now-deadly failure in Afghanistan was made possible because of lucrative sponsorship from Aleve and Tide. Their contact information is linked so you can tell them about the biased news they fund.

The transcripts are below, click "expand" to read:

CBS Evening News
August 26, 2021
6:35:03 p.m. Eastern


CHARLIE D’AGATA: The Taliban, responsible for the security around the airport, condemned the bombings. Yet, despite specific warnings from western intelligence agencies that an attack was imminent, Afghanistan’s new rulers were incapable of doing anything to stop it.


6:37:03 p.m. Eastern

NANCY CORDES: The President said he has ordered the Pentagon to draw up plans to strike back at the ISIS offshoot that claimed responsibility for the bombing.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: To those who carried out this attack, as well as anyone who wishes America harm, know this: We will not forgive, we will not forget, we will hunt you down, and make you pay.


6:37:42 p.m. Eastern

CORDES: Republicans, who were already critical of the White House withdrawal plan, blamed the casualties on the Commander-in-Chief, calling the crisis “inexcusable” “mess.”

REP. DAN CRENSHAW (R-TX): Biden’s the only one who really followed through with the stupidest possible option. And now we’re paying in blood for it.

CORDES: Republican leader Mitch McConnell wrote: ‘This murderous attack offers the clearest possible reminder that terrorists will not stop fighting the United States just because our politicians grow tired of fighting them.”

[Cuts back to live]

CORDES: Some Republicans even called on President Biden to resign. But this evening he argued his predicator, President Trump left him with few options by cutting a deal with the Taliban to pull all troops out this year.


NBC Nightly News
August 26, 2021
7:03:18 p.m. Eastern


RICHARD ENGEL: The U.S. is relying on the Taliban to prescreen crowds pushing to get into the airport, hoping for a flight out of Afghanistan. Patting them down before they're checked by U.S. troops. Today, this staggeringly new and bizarre security cooperation broke down.

GEN. KENNETH MCKENZIE (Marine Corps): Clearly, if they're able to get to the Marines at the screening – at the entry point of the base, there’s a failure somewhere. It was a failure by – the Taliban operate with various degrees of competence. Some of those guys are very scrupulously good, some of them are not.

ENGEL: Just a few weeks ago, the U.S. was bombing the Taliban. But when U.S. troops pulled out, triggering the collapse of the Afghan army, now, there's no one left but the Taliban to protect American forces as they leave.


7:06:12 p.m. Eastern

PETER ALEXANDER: It is a nightmare scenario for the President whose handling of the exit faced withering criticism.

And tonight, there are bipartisan demands for change, including the U.S.’s reliance on the Taliban for security at the airport. Top Democrat Senator Bob Menendez saying, “We can't trust the Taliban with American security.” And Republicans are blasting the President for sticking with the strategy they say has failed.

REP. DAN CRENSHAW (R-TX): I think pretending like this could be a success, like this plan could be salvaged, but that's impossible at this point.


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