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CNN MELTDOWN Over Supreme Court's 'End-Run Around Roe' #Political

Day two of CNN's outrage over the Supreme Court declining to block the Texas law that bans most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. On Wednesday, we noted substitute New Day host Kaitlan Collins claiming the Texas law "predominantly affect[s] lower-income women." Collins thereby ignored the countless unborn babies whose lives will be saved as a result of the law.

On Thursday, CNN brought in liberal author Irin Carmon to condemn the ruling, and to take particular aim at Senator Susan Collins. In voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Collins had expressed confidence that he would not overturn Roe v. Wade. Carmon is the co-author of the Ginsburg hagiography, Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The network also featured Laura Jarrett melting down over the Court's "end-run around Roe." 

As you'll see from the screencap and video, Carmon was exceedingly animated in her horror over the SCOTUS ruling, and her condemnation of Collins for voting to confirm Kavanaugh when "everyone" knew her claim that he wouldn't overturn Roe was "false."

Here's CNN's Jarrett (daughter of Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett) raging about an "end-run around Roe." 

LAURA JARRETT: This was sort of the moment everyone was waiting for after they had essentially refused to act the day before. They finally break their silence, and they do it in a very short order, just a short paragraph, unsigned opinion, from the Court's more conservative wing here, essentially saying, you can come back later, but for now, this Texas law stands. 

The Court says, we essentially, we don't have any game here,  because it isn't a federal official who's actually the one in charge of enforcing it, it's these private plaintiffs. We don't have anything to pick up here. So essentially, the Court is saying you can come back another day, but for now this law stands. Which is essentially incredible, doing an end-run around Roe in less than a page.  

Kaitlin Collins Laura Jarrett Irin Carmon CNN New Day 9-2-21But beyond her condemnation of Collins and the Supreme Court ruling on the Texas law, Carmon also managed to display her great trans-sensitivity. At one point, she said:

"Roe v. Wade said a woman—or pregnant person—has a right to end their pregnancy before viability."

Yes, Carmon wouldn't want anyone to imagine she thinks that only a woman can be pregnant!

Note also Carmon branding as "vigilante justice" and "bounty hunters" citizens who, under the Texas law, are empowered to bring suit against people who, in violation of the law, aid or abet abortions.  Perhaps Carmon would tell us: if someone who acts to stop illegal abortions is a "bounty hunter," what would she call people who perform illegal abortions? 

CNN's second day of condemning the Supreme Court ruling let the Texas abortion law stand was sponsored in part by by Liberty Mutual and GoodRx.

Here's the transcript. Click "expand" to read more. 

New Day
6:33 am EDT

KAITLIN COLLINS: This is huge. The Supreme Court has now broken its silence. It is declining to block that incredibly restrictive abortion law in Texas that restricts abortions after about six weeks, before most women even know that they are pregnant. 

. . . 

LAURA JARRETT: This was sort of the moment everyone was waiting for after they had essentially refused to act the day before. They finally break their silence, and they do it in a very short order, just a short paragraph, unsigned opinion, from the Court's more conservative wing here, essentially saying, you can come back later, but for now, this Texas law stands. 

The Court says, we essentially, we don't have any game here,  because it isn't a federal official who's actually the one in charge of enforcing it, it's these private plaintiffs. We don't have anything to pick up here. So essentially, the Court is saying you can come back another day, but for now this law stands. Which is essentially incredible, doing an end-run around Roe in less than a page.  

. . . 

IRIN CARMON: Kaitlan, this is Donald Trump’s legacy: Roe v. Wade is dead!
. . . 

COLLINS: And you say this is Donald Trump’s legacy, Irin. Obviously, you’re referring to the former president putting three Justices on the Supreme Court. 

Of course, I think that reminds almost everyone about Senator Susan Collins, and what she has said about Roe v. Wade. Let’s remember what Susan Collins said about what she thought the future of it was going to be.

SUSAN COLLINS [interviewed by Dana Bash]: I do not believe that Brett Kavanaugh will overturn —

DANA BASH: [partially inaudible] His precedent was overturned.

COLLINS: He noted that Roe had been reaffirmed 19 years later by Planned Parenthood vs. Casey, and that it was precedent on precedent. He said it should be extremely rare that it be overturned. And it should be an example —

BASH: And you have obviously full confidence.


KAITLIN COLLINS: So, Irin, she said that she believed it was settled law. Is Susan Collins wrong?

CARMON: Everybody knew that it was false at the time. Justice Kavanaugh was among the Justices, all of the Trump justices voted last night, again, just in a couple of paragraphs, to ban abortion after six weeks. Again, Roe v. Wade, and all of the precedent that has built on it, has said for almost 50 years that a woman—or a pregnant person—has a right to end their pregnancy before viability. 

Last night, the Supreme Court in a kind of dashed off, past its deadline, order, not even really explaining its reasoning but just kind of finding this procedural, technical excuse, undermined that and made abortion illegal starting in Texas at six weeks. And many providers are now going to either shut their doors or offer very limited service because they cannot risk the kind of bounty hunters, vigilante justice. 

So, no, when Justice Kennedy retired, Donald Trump won, and he promised to appoint Justices who he said would automatically overturn Roe v. Wade. Everybody knew this would be the end game.

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