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White House Occupant Sees Horrible Plummeting Approval Amid Nation Suffering The Consequences of His Installation #TheRedpill #Politics

Polls are generally worthless; media polls even more so.  However, when the ultra far-left NPR produces a manipulated poll that can only get Joe Biden a 43% approval rating, you know things are bad… horrible for the White House occupant. [Polling Data Here]

The latest NPR/Marist poll shows Joe Biden with a 43% approval overall, and that’s with a proclaimed 85% of Democrats still sticking with him {insert eyeroll here}.   64% of Independents disapprove of Biden’s job performance and 95% of Republicans disapprove.

The polling was D+7 [pdf here] to achieve an overall 43% approval rating.

In related news perhaps Joe Biden will be campaigning for Liz Cheney.

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