‘Real Women’s Day’ Celebrations Don’t Include FAKE GIRLS! #Political

Welcome to Woke of the Weak where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks are tolerable and well, point out why exactly they’re nuts.
On October 10 - which, in roman numerals, would be X/X - conservatives online celebrated what they called “Real Women’s Day" to recognize that there are distinct biological differences between men and women. Women are the only ones that will ever have all XX chromosomes and they deserve to have their places and spaces safe and protected. While conservatives focused on celebrating genuine women, the left couldn’t help but up their anty in pushing progressive anti-women propaganda.
For starters, fake girl Dylan Mulvaney talked about his first kiss as a “woman.” The video was cringe and made a mockery of real women.
Next up was a so-called “transgender woman of color,” who basically just spat out a bunch of lies - most prominently that he was a she!
Next was another he/she who danced around in a mesh outfit and accepted money from a toddler. His friend (probably) was next and he promoted a national monument in California while in full drag queen gear standing in front of a variety of LGBTQ flags for the occasion.
It looked like the circus came to California, and to a high school pep rally where there were people giving lap dances for all the students to watch.
Yeah, and the left isn’t after our kids? Sureeee.
As a matter of fact, two people cussed at the camera in opposition to laws that keep parents informed if their kids think they're trans, and laws that differentiate between boys' and girls' bathrooms. The two progressives were pissed and one shouted “f**k parental rights.”
Other loonies included one dude who ran naked through a JCPenny’s store after allegedly trying to feel up kids in the children’s department.
Finally, a trans woman - a.k.a., a man - was asked if he had a penis. Let’s just say he dodged the question.
It’s rather nuts that we even have to have a day honoring REAL women because there are so many phonies out there. But hey, to all those who celebrate, Happy Real Women’s Day!
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