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British Magazine The Economist: Trump's the 'Biggest Danger to the World in 2024' #Political

Gabriel Hays at Fox News Digital reported the so-called "centrist" British magazine The Economist is treating Donald Trump like a James Bond villain, claiming he "poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024" and warned about how "perilous" a second Trump term would be. All the leftist media outlets are in full-blown panic now that polls show it's quite plausible Trump could win again. 

Biggest danger to the world? As Brent Scher argued, somehow the dictators of Russia and China and the terrorists of Hamas cannot compete as global dangers. 

The cover featured an image of the Earth being engulfed by the former president’s silhouette.

A shadow looms over the world. In this week’s edition we publish The World Ahead 2024, our 38th annual predictive guide to the coming year, and in all that time no single person has ever eclipsed our analysis as much as Donald Trump eclipses 2024. That a Trump victory next November is a coin-toss probability is beginning to sink in. 

It continued, noting Trump’s formidable polling which has him ahead of President Biden in several swing states.

For decades Democrats have relied on support among Black and Hispanic voters, but a meaningful number are abandoning the party. In the next 12 months, a stumble by either candidate could determine the race—and thus upend the world. This is a perilous moment for a man like Mr. Trump to be back knocking on the door of the Oval Office. Democracy is in trouble at home. Mr. Trump’s claim to have won the election in 2020 was more than a lie: it was a cynical bet that he could manipulate and intimidate his compatriots, and it has worked.

It's a little funny that when Trump was first elected, the journalists called it a "moral 9/11," but a second term is now worse than a moral 9/11?

The article concluded, "A second Trump term would be a watershed in a way the first was not. Victory would confirm his most destructive instincts about power. His plans would encounter less resistance. And because America will have voted him in while knowing the worst, its moral authority would decline. The election will be decided by tens of thousands of voters in just a handful of states. In 2024 the fate of the world will depend on their ballots."

The guide’s look ahead to 2023 was much more optimistic about Trump's eventual defeat.

“Whoever ends up dispatching Donald Trump, at long last, will determine that future,” wrote columnist James Bennet. “Will it be a primary opponent? Or, in the general election of 2024, will it be President Joe Biden, or a Democrat representing a new direction for the party?”

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