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Washington Post Writer Panics that Border Crises Will Hurt Democrats in 2024 Election #Political

The border crises has been growing steadily over the past few years as the Biden DHS seems to just idly stand by and allow it to worsen. Not a peep during that time from Washington Post staff writer Aaron Blake -- until he suddenly saw the polls which revealed that this issue can really harm the Democrats in 2024 which caused him to go into panic attack mode on Tuesday with "Democrats’ border problem is getting real."

So it's just now "getting real?" Where have you been for the past few years, Aaron?

The border crises has been all too real for years but Blake now notices it because of the harm this issue could do to Democrats in next year's election. Let us now join Blake pushing the impending election panic button:

Remarkable polling results came out of New York on Monday. Even Democrats in this Siena College poll are saying things that sound somewhat reminiscent of the views of immigration hawks in the GOP:

  • Nearly as many New York Democrats said migrants coming to the state over the past 20 years have been a “burden” (35 percent) as said they have been a “benefit” (37 percent).
  • 75 percent of New York Democrats said the recent influx of migrants to the state was at least a “somewhat serious” problem. Nearly half (47 percent) said it was a “very serious” problem.
  • 53 percent of New York Democrats agreed with the statement that “New Yorkers have already done enough for new migrants and should now work to slow the flow of migrants to New York.” (The alternative was that the state should “accept new migrants and work to assimilate them into New York,” a position with which 41 percent of the Democratic respondents agreed.)

This is just one state, and it has experienced a migrant surge unlike virtually any other state not on the southern border.

But it’s hardly the only evidence that the Democratic base and the country are shifting in a more concerned and immigration-skeptical direction — and in a particularly troublesome way for President Biden and his party.

After descending into full gloom over the New York poll results about the border, Blake goes on to cite more polls showing that it is also a nationwide problem for the Democrats. He ends on a downbeat note by revealing Biden doing too little, too late on the border wall which he had derided President Donald Trump for building:

The Biden administration recently pressed forward with building the border wall, despite Biden himself having promised not to build any more and continuing to say a wall is ineffective. The administration defended the move by saying it had to do what it did because of how Congress appropriated money. The decision was greeted with plenty of pushback from fellow Democrats and immigrant advocates.

You could almost see Blake desperately rubbing his Election 2024 worry beads as he wrote that.

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