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Misgendering Is Now Considered 'Harassment' in the Workplace #Political

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission published harassment guidelines late last month indicating that it would be a punishable offense to misgender someone.

Yup. Now, if you don’t call a person who wants to use “ze/zir” pronouns by those made-up pronouns, it would be considered harassment in the workplace.

The new rules note that prohibited harassment includes “repeated and intentional use of a name or pronoun inconsistent with the individual’s known gender identity (misgendering) or the denial of access to a bathroom or other sex-segregated facility consistent with the individual’s gender identity.”

Related: Peru Classifies Transgender People as ‘Mentally Ill’

The regulations also state that employees cannot “out” other employees - meaning that if a co-worker is a closeted freak, they must reveal that publicly on their own terms. The rules also state that employees must be allowed to use whichever bathrooms or “other sex-segregated” areas that they choose, even if their gender identity is not consistent with their biological sex.

Included in the regulations were also possible scenarios to use as examples in order to understand what is and isn’t appropriate. 

Here’s one creators used regarding gender identity:

Chloe, a purchase order coordinator at a retail store warehouse, is approached by her supervisor, Alton, who asks whether she was 'born a man' because he had heard a rumor that 'there was a transvestite in the department.' Chloe disclosed to Alton that she is transgender and asked him to keep this information confidential. After this conversation, Alton instructed Chloe to wear pants to work because a dress would be 'inappropriate,' despite other purchase order coordinators being permitted to wear dresses and skirts. Alton also asks inappropriate questions about Chloe’s anatomy and sexual relationships. Further, whenever Alton is frustrated with Chloe, he misgenders her by using, with emphasis, “he/him” pronouns, sometimes in front of Chloe’s coworkers. Based on these facts, Alton’s harassing conduct toward Chloe is based on her gender identity.

Cry me a freakin’ river, Chloe.

Alfredo Ortiz, CEO of Job Creators Network, a conservative U.S. advocacy group, was not a fan of the new guidance and called it an “overreach.”

Here’s what Ortiz told Just the News:

The guidance is a solution in search of a problem, as the overwhelming majority of employers already provide their employees with a respectful working environment, no matter what their backgrounds.

While the Biden administration is focused on using the correct pronouns, small businesses are suffering under the weight of resurgent inflation, high energy costs, and a credit crunch due to Democrats' bad policies. Rules about how to treat transgender employees amount to another headache for employers at the worst possible time.

Honestly, this is ridiculous. The fact that we are even having this conversation is absolutely outrageous. Our country has much bigger fish to fry than hurting people’s feelings regarding their delusional sense of identity.

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We used to have places to put these people.

— MRCTV (@mrctv) May 7, 2024

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