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NOW He's Partisan! Politico Touts 'Alvin Bragg Sealed His Place in Democratic Lore' #Political

As we've noted for months, the Democrat-allied media energetically present Trump's prosecutors as nonpartisans enforcing a "rule of law." They couldn't possibly be prosecuting Trump to advance their career among Democrats. 

Just about five hours after the guilty verdicts were announced on Thursday, Politico published "Will Trump’s guilty verdict hurt him?" by Adam Wren and Lisa Kashinsky. About halfway into the story is a section that can be best described as blatant Alvin Bragg adulation, "Alvin Bragg sealed his place in Democratic lore," in which the authors conceded that their beloved Bragg ran on a "Get Trump" platform thus revealing that his case was extremely political, especially since it was delayed to serve as election interference.

When he walked into the courtroom at 100 Centre Street on Thursday, showing his face there for the first time, the first-term top prosecutor in Manhattan had not talked about the case for months. “I only talk about that matter in court filings and in the court. That’s what we do,” Bragg told POLITICO before the trial began.

But Bragg had campaigned on the promise to take on Trump. That was enough to win a competitive primary three years ago, before he took criticism from some fellow Democrats — and a former prosecutor, for his handling of probes into Trump.

His vindication came on Thursday, with Bragg becoming the first-ever prosecutor to take on a former president, and likely cementing his status as a Democratic folk hero. Bragg, who is Black, has been called by Trump “a degenerate psychopath that truely [sic] hates the USA!” and an “animal.”

Wow! "...Bragg had campaigned on the promise to take on Trump. That was enough to win a competitive primary three years ago..." Thank you for that amazing admission that most of the rest of us already knew about Bragg.

Here is more of Politico's Bragg adulation in which they predict a bright POLITICAL future for him. Mayor Bragg? Governor Bragg?

Now, Bragg can write his own political ticket, having won his case on all 34 counts.

At a press conference following the verdict, Bragg struck the pose of a steely, above-the-fray prosecutor.

Of course no mention by Politico of the man who did the big heavy lifting in the case, Matthew Colangelo formerly the #3 person at the Biden DOJ, who provided the prosecution's opening statement at the trial.

Don't be too surprised if Trump's attorneys enter Politico's admission about Bragg into their evidence file when they appeal the case by citing Politico to prove that Bragg acted in an utterly political matter in taking up the Trump case. In fact he ran for office based on going after Trump which Politico has admitted, now that the Democrat mission is accomplished.

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