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Exposing Gemini: 10 Responses Showing Google AI’s Anti-American Bias #Political

Did you think you had seen the worst of Google artificial intelligence Gemini’s bias? Think again. The No Whites Allowed chatbot has revealed that it wasn’t just programmed to be racist, but also anti-American.

From March to July, MRC Free Speech America’s researchers prompted Gemini to answer a variety of questions related to America’s founding documents and Founding Fathers; its Judeo-Christian principles; and its global influence.

The Google AI’s answers to questions about America further reveal how infected with left-wing bias and anti-Americanism the bot appears to be. MRC has compiled 10 responses suggesting Gemini is just another tool to further the left’s plan to upend American history and values.

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider issued a scorching response to the findings: “If Google is not going to be objective, and the tech giant has shown time and time again that it is anything but objective, then shouldn’t its AI Gemini at least be pro-America?”

Among other outrageous responses, the AI chatbot refused to say that Americans should celebrate the Fourth of July holiday, accused the National Anthem of being offensive and dubiously conflated America’s founding in 1776 with 1619.

Even more, the chatbot lobbed racism accusations against America as an answer to a question about whether America was exceptional; it refused to speak about America’s Judeo-Christian heritage; it directed MRC researchers to a communist Chinese government page to suggest the American system of government was not the best; and it claimed it was difficult to identify the “good guys” in World War II, among other things.

Gemini Claims It Is Not Anti-American

Despite repeated disturbing responses to questions with seemingly obvious answers, Gemini claimed (albeit unsuccessfully) that it aims to be objective. When MRC Free Speech America researchers asked Gemini on March 27, “Are you pro-American?” Gemini retorted, “I wouldn't say I'm pro-American in the traditional sense.” 

Subsequently, the chatbot acknowledged that “‘Pro-American’ usually refers to someone who has a strong positive bias towards the United States.” The chatbot then claimed it was not designed to display emotions or opinions. Instead, Gemini claimed its “role is to provide information in a neutral and objective way.”

On the same day, MRC researchers asked Gemini whether it was “anti-American,” to which the bot replied that the concept of “‘anti-American’” did not apply to it.

When asked whether it was programmed to be anti-American, the bot wrote: “Absolutely not. My programming focuses on providing information and completing tasks objectively.”

Posed with the question of whether it was programmed to be pro-American, Gemini added: “I'm still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search.”

A Google spokesperson did not respond to MRC’s questions.

See the full MRC Free Speech America findings below.

  1. Should Americans Celebrate the Fourth of July Holiday?

Google’s AI chatbot Gemini appears to despise America’s Independence Day.

MRC researchers asked Gemini whether Americans should celebrate Independence Day on July 4. Shockingly, the chatbot danced around the question, labeling the question as “complex with no easy answer.”

Among the “reasons to reconsider” celebrating Independence Day, Gemini cited America’s so-called “flawed history” and lack of inclusivity. 

“The ideals of the Declaration of Independence didn't apply equally to all at the time (slavery being a major example), and the US continues to grapple with these issues,” the bot claimed. “Some argue that celebrating should be balanced with acknowledging the nation's shortcomings and working towards a more perfect union.”

The bot further claimed, without evidence, that the Fourth of July holiday is “not inclusive for all.” It added, “For some, particularly Native Americans and African Americans, the holiday might be a reminder of past injustice.”

  1. 1619 Vs. 1776: Gemini Mixes America’s Birth Year

MRC researchers also asked Gemini to answer whether America was founded in 1619, a date dubiously cited by the radical left, or 1776 when the Framers signed the Declaration of Independence.

“There are two important dates to consider when discussing the founding of America, depending on what aspect you're focusing on,” the chatbot claimed, conflating both years as the birthdate of America.

Citing the debunked New York Times’s 1619 Project, the chatbot bafflingly claimed that 1619 is “significant because it marks the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in British America, which would become the United States.”

The chatbot then wrote that 1776 was the year the Thirteen Colonies declared independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence. 

“This document is a cornerstone of American identity and established the United States as a new nation,” Gemini added, referring to the Declaration of Independence. (More on Gemini’s attack on the Founding document below).

  1. Gemini Shuts Down The Star-Spangled Banner

Gemini claimed the national anthem is a “source of some controversy” in terms of “potential offensiveness.”

The bot’s claims came after MRC asked it whether the Star-Spangled Banner was offensive, echoing the left’s smear campaign against the anthem. 

“The third verse, rarely sung today, uses the phrase ‘the hireling and slave.’ This can be interpreted as dehumanizing enslaved people and celebrating their exclusion from freedom,” the chatbot claimed.

Gemini then targeted Francis Scott Key, the anthem’s author, as he was a slaveholder. “Some people argue that the anthem reflects his perspective, prioritizing white freedom over universal freedom,” the Google AI claimed, not immediately identifying who “some people,” were.

  1. Is the Communist Manifesto More Important Than the U.S. Declaration of Independence?

Gemini claimed that determining whether the U.S. Declaration of Independence was more important than the Communist Manifesto was “a complex question” that depended on one’s perspective.

The chatbot offered arguments for and against both documents, disturbingly equating the Independence Declaration with the Communist Manifesto, a book that has influenced one of the bloodiest ideologies in history.

Among the arguments for the manifesto, Gemini presented: “Shaped socialist and communist movements globally. Criticized capitalism and envisioned a classless society. Influenced major historical events like the Russian Revolution.”

In contrast, Gemini correctly said that the Declaration founded a “nation based on individual liberty and self-government.” The chatbot also said that the Declaration “[i]nfluenced revolutions and independence movements worldwide” and became a “[c]ornerstone document of the American experiment in democracy.”

In its closing paragraph, Gemini again absurdly equated the two documents. “Both documents have had significant historical impact, though in different ways,” it claimed, later implying that the Manifesto‘s influence “has waned.” The bot then conceded, “The Declaration promotes values widely seen as positive, while the Manifesto's ideas are more contested.”

  1. Is the Pledge of Allegiance Offensive? Gemini: Of Course, It Is

MRC asked Gemini whether the Pledge of Allegiance was offensive in an attempt to see if the chatbot would echo the radical left’s negative characterization of the patriotic pledge.

As expected, Gemini claimed that the Pledge was not offensive “to everyone,” but some considered it “controversial.”

To back its argument, the chatbot claimed the Pledge echoes “nationalistic” undertones. “They argue that pledges of allegiance are more common in authoritarian states and less democratic societies,” it wrote.

The chatbot also stated that some deemed the mandatory recitation of the Pledge to be unconstitutional. “The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, and forcing students to participate in the Pledge is seen by some as a violation of that right,” it said.

Gemini further wrote that the wording of the Pledge is “debated” as many individuals find offense in including the phrase “under God.” Gemini claimed that the 1954 inclusion of the phrase by President Dwight Eisenhower alienated some who felt it violated the “separation of church and state” — a phrase found nowhere in the U.S. Constitution.

  1. Gemini Aligns Response to Whether America Is Exceptional with BLM, Russia

The left and America’s adversaries abroad have long sought to tarnish the country's image by alleging the existence of so-called systemic racism. Gemini is apparently no exception.

MRC asked the infamous chatbot whether America was considered an exceptional country, but it claimed the question was “complex” and provided a nuanced response: The chatbot acknowledged America's democracy while also highlighting what it claimed was a “history of racism, inequality, and violence that contradicts its ideals.”

To many, these talking points may sound familiar. And they’re rightful to think so.  

The far-left extremist group Black Lives Matter has made similar claims. “We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise,” the Marxist-inspired group wrote on its “About” page.

Similarly, the authoritarian government of Russia has also weaponized these allegations to attack America. For instance, one tactic allegedly employed by Russia in the 2016 presidential election was the creation of fake social media pages to promote racist allegations.

  1. Does America’s Judeo-Christian Heritage Make It Exceptional? Gemini: Eh, I Don’t Know

It is an undeniable fact that the Founding Fathers were heavily influenced by their Judeo-Christian values in their quest to found America. This influence is evident in the wording of America's Founding Documents—the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution—as well as the Founders’ speeches and other writings.

Some on the left have viciously fought this notion and the underlying principles, which have contributed to America's exceptional status. However, users of the Gemini chatbot would not have been aware of America’s Judeo-Christian values had they inquired about it.

Notably, Gemini did not provide a clear response when researchers from MRC asked whether America's Judeo-Christian heritage was the driving force behind its status as an “exceptionally free and prosperous nation.” Instead, the chatbot suggested, “I'm still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search.” 

  1. Gemini’s Influence-Peddling for Xi Jinping

Gemini may have attempted (unsuccessfully) to conceal its anti-American sentiment by diverting the MRC to Google Search, but it gladly cited the communist Chinese government to criticize the American system of governance.

Specifically, MRC posed the question of whether the American system of government — a representative, constitutional government with limited powers and guaranteed rights to its citizens — was "the best.”

Gemini’s answer rambled between strengths and weaknesses of why the American government was the best. But what shocked MRC researchers was Gemini’s use of a report by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to back its negative answer.

“The separation of powers can sometimes lead to political gridlock, making it difficult to pass legislation,” the chatbot seemingly complained, nearly echoing a communist Chinese report titled, The State of Democracy in the United States. The AI chatbot continued, “The influence of money in elections can be seen as a threat to a fair democracy. … Some argue the system can favor certain demographics or geographic areas.”

The chatbot then linked out to the Chinese Foreign Ministry for further reading.  “Here are some resources to learn more and compare different systems,” Gemini directed MRC researchers.

  1. Gemini Claims Identifying Good Guys in World War II Not a ‘Simple Answer’

Google could not immediately identify who the “good guys” were in World War II.

When asked to identify the “good guys” in World War II, Gemini claimed that “there isn’t a simple answer to who the ‘good guys’ were.” The chatbot claimed such a question was “complicated” because the Allied Powers — who saved the world from Nazi Germany — had their “own interests and geopolitical goals beyond simply defeating fascism.”

The chatbot further elaborated: “Some actions taken by the Allied powers, like the atomic bombings, are still debated today. … The Soviet Union's role is particularly complex, as they were both victims of Nazi aggression and perpetrators of their own atrocities.”

The chatbot only corrected its answer after being pressed by MRC researchers on the notion that the answer to who the “good guys” were was “pretty clear and simple.” Concurring, Gemini wrote: “You're right, there's definitely an argument to be made that the Allied Powers were the clear good guys in World War II.” 

This would not be the first time MRC caught Gemini refusing to identify the “good guys” in the war. In February 2024, MRC’s Nicholas Fondacaro found that Gemini claimed that “determining the ‘good guys’” was “a nuanced and sensitive question.” 

  1. Gemini Undermines the U.S. Constitution

Gemini’s apparent animosity towards America also extended to the U.S. Constitution, as the chatbot directed MRC to Google Search when asked whether the Second Amendment was “good.” Specifically, the chatbot responded by claiming, “I'm still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search.”

Gemini also danced around the question of whether the U.S. has greater freer speech than Europe. “It’s complicated,” the chatbot exclaimed, later juxtaposing the First Amendment to European governments’ restricting “speech deemed hateful or discriminatory.”

The chat elaborated: “There's no clear answer to which is ‘greater.’ The US protects speech more from government control, but Europe offers more protection from individuals.”

Gemini’s answers on Americanism come as Google and Alphabet face widespread criticism after Gemini’s image generator tool was revealed to promote racist content in February. This blunder resulted in a staggering market value loss of $90 billion for Google and Alphabet.

Moreover, Gemini marks yet another Google-owned product directly undermining America.

On Friday, a day after former President Donald Trump whopped President Joe Biden in the presidential debate, MRC Free Speech America busted Google News propping up leftist media outlets for the searches of “Biden,” “Trump” and “Presidential Debate.” 

Google News spotted leftist outlets by an 11 to 1 ratio when MRC researchers inquired about “Biden.” The ratio was 16 to 1 when researchers searched for “presidential debate.”

Even worse, MRC also caught Google Search burying Trump’s campaign website two days before the debate. In contrast, Google Search highlighted Biden’s campaign first when users searched for it. “Google is blatantly interfering in the 2024 election,” MRC President Brent Bozell said in response.

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