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LISTEN! MRC Founder Brent Bozell to Mark Levin: Biden Shouldn't Lecture Us on Hot Talk #Political

MRC founder and president Brent Bozell was interviewed on national radio on Monday night on Mark Levin's show to discuss the intensity of media bias leading into the horrific shooting at former president Donald Trump on Saturday night. He began by saying we don't need any lectures from President Biden about hateful rhetoric. 

Then there's the media. Bozell told Levin "Isn’t it telling that MSNBC would not trust its own anchors this morning, to have them on the air? They couldn't trust Joe Scarborough and Mika not to say something that was purely incendiary. They couldn't trust their own staff. What does that tell you about how out of control the media have gotten?"

Levin lamented that corporate executives above the journalists do nothing about the hot talk, that Joy Reid can incessantly compare Trump to Hitler and nothing happens. Bozell replied: "The news media, it's the only industry I know of where management doesn't control its employees. The owners of these corporations have no interest in controlling their news outlets whatsoever. Okay, so fine, take responsibility for what happens thereafter," that Trump was very nearly killed. 

Bozell predicted in the coming days, Biden is going to go back to his old nasty self on the campaign trail, and nobody in the media is going to call him out for it. But every reporter is going to be hanging on every word Trump says until he says something confrontational, "here he goes again." They'll go out of their way to deflect blame and put it back on Trump.

Listen below: 

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