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Editor’s Pick: Free Beacon Finds ‘White Fragility’ Author Plagiarized...Minorities #Political

2023 Dao Prize finalist and Washington Free Beacon writer Aaron Sibarium uncorked a doozy Monday morning that revealed Robin DiAngelo, the author of the race-hustling book White Fragility and a walking embodiment of how rich, white, liberal women are wreaking havoc on the country’s political and societal systems, is the subject of a new complaint filed at the University of Washington alleging she repeatedly plagiarized from minorities.

“In an ‘accountability’ statement on her website, which makes repeated reference to her Ph.D., DiAngelo, 67, tells ‘fellow white people’ that they should ‘always cite and give credit to the work of BIPOC people who have informed your thinking,’” Sibarium explained as a way of going into how much of a raging hypocrites she is.

But the complaint where she “received her Ph.D. in multicultural education” claimed “she plagiarized several scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral thesis.”

For example, Sibarium explained she “lift[ed] two paragraphs from an Asian-American professor, Northeastern University's Thomas Nakayama, and his coauthor, Robert Krizek, without proper attribution, omitting quotation marks and in-text citations” as well as “Stacey Lee, an Asian-American professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in which Lee summarizes the work of a third scholar, David Theo Goldberg.”

Taking these (and many other) allegations into account, Sibarium hit the nail on the head about this raging hypocrisy:

The complaint describes dozens of cases in which DiAngelo, who rakes in almost $1 million a year in speaking fees, passed off the work of others as her own. It calls into question the key credential on which DiAngelo built her career, which has relied on the notion that her therapeutic workshops—which can cost up to $40,000 and insist that all white people are racist—are backed by scholarly expertise.

To see Sibarium’s full story, click here.

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