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'F*CKING JEWS' Unruly Mob Crash Hearing on Antisemitism #Political

An unruly mob of Jew haters served as a live example for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to illustrate to a Senate committee hearing on antisemitism just how viscous the problem has become.

“F*cking Jews and the Israelis,” shouted an angry Arab man who stood up and disrupted the hearing as Cruz was speaking, on Tuesday.

“Talk about the 40,000. Talk about all these people. Why is it about antisemitism?” the man continued as Capitol security officers began escorting him away.

The auditorium seats were packed with a loud audience of fellow terrorist sympathizers donning keffiyehs.    

“You’re now seeing the hate manifesting right here, interestingly enough,” Cruz responded.

“We now have a demonstration of antisemitism,” he added.

Before being interrupted, Cruz was in the middle of listing hate crimes that demonstrates how “college campuses in particular have become vile incubators of hatred of Jews.”

For example, he mentioned, one Cornell University student made “vile threats” to his Jewish classmates, in the midst of the Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7, 2023.

"If I see a pig male Jew, I will stab you and slit your throat. If I see another pig female Jew, I will drag you away and rape you and throw you off a cliff," the threats included.

Cruz also called out a student organization at California State University for celebrating the Hamas paragliders who “descended upon” a music festival in Israel that day, before raping their victims and murdering 260 attendees in total.

At Columbia University, he recalled how the situation grew dangerous to the point where their campus Rabbi advised that all Jewish students must go home for their own safety.

“Throughout all of this, the Biden-Harris administration has been utterly absent,” Cruz reminded his fellow lawmakers.

“Does anyone doubt if the Klan were on college campuses, terrorizing African American students, threatening African American students, that we would see the FBI there? That we would see prosecutors there? That we would see federal funding cut off to universities?” he asked.
“Of course we would, and we should. But when it comes to antisemitism, the Democrats have a problem.”

Just this past weekend, a violent gang of thugs beat up a Jewish student at the University of Michigan after asking him to confirm he’s a Jew.

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