GOT CHEESE? CNN’s Kasie Hunt WHINES About Elon’s Access at Mar-a-Lago #Political

The Regime Media continue to be bitter and salty over the relationship between Tesla/SpaceX founder Elon Musk and President Elect Donald Trump. The latest installment in this ongoing series features CNN’s Kasie Hunt grousing over Musk’s having Thanksgiving dinner at Mar-a-Lago.
Watch as Hunt whines over Musk sitting at the table with Trump, their sharing a meal, and their vibing out as “YMCA” played in the hall:
9:47 AM
KASIE HUNT: All right. Let's also talk about what else we saw out of Mar-a-Lago over the weekend. Elon Musk was given a table at Thanksgiving, literally. He was there. They were sharing a meal. There was dancing. It involved the “YMCA”, et cetera. And of course, there we go. There, there they are. And now he's going to be coming up to The Hill. Mike Johnson tweeted that he's looking forward to hosting Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy next week on The Hill to look at reforms. Kate, what is the implication of having a billionaire like Elon Musk being in this kind of role? I mean, certainly, I know that there are some Members of Congress who are going to get their backs up at the idea that Elon Musk is going to do stuff they feel like is in their purview. But that said, they might not have a lot of power to do anything about it.
As we indicated a few weeks ago, when CBS news ran its influence smear hit piece against Musk:
Of course, this reporting is fundamentally unserious. The media are perfectly fine with billionaires dabbling in politics so long as they dabble in the right politics. No one blinked when Mark Cuban threw on the Rachel Maddow glasses and shilled for Kamala Harris. No one suggested nefarious quid pro quos or conflicts of interest. Cuban was a patriot, you see, exercising his First Amendment right to shill for the Regime.
Likewise, no one gives a rip that Dauphin Prince Alex Soros routinely posts pictures of himself with captured Democrat politicians, in a manner reminiscent of a big game hunter posing with his trophies. Soros isn’t a problem, either.
Only Elon is an issue, because he chose to side with the Bad Orange Man. Actual journalism might consider delving into the reasons why the Obama/Biden voter felt compelled to support Trump this time around (hint: it has to do with free speech). But this is not journalism. This is merely regime propaganda identifying and smearing a dissident target- which proves that they’ve learned nothing from this election.
This CNN segment invariably led to the same dark place- panel leftists (including former White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield) suggesting, without evidence, that there is some nefarious underlying pecuniary motive behind Musk’s activism.
It’s worth repeating that discussions of the influence of the Soris family on our politics are largely verboten. Inquiry into the Soros family's ties to a vast web of left-leaning non-governmental organizations are quickly met with accusations of antisemitism. In the eyes of the Regime and its captured media, some billionaires are more equal than others.
The real motive of the media's wrath is Musk's effort to collapse the bloated federal bureaucracy, a significant drain on the economy, a burden carried by the American taxpayer.
Having lost control of the narrative, and having lost all credibility, there is little left for the media to do except whine about Musk. More likely than not, on BlueCry.
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