Woke of the Weak: Welcome to Wokeistan! #Political

If you’re living in the Western world, particularly in a major city, take a look outside your window and ask yourself: Do you recognize this place?
At one point these streets might’ve been familiar to you, but now everything seems so foreign. People from the United States and Europe didn't have to travel to get to the new state of life they are currently in.
You didn’t really leave or go anywhere. You’re still home. And whether you blindly consented to it or not, at some point your progressive leaders allowed you to wake up to a “home” entirely changed.
It’s a post-Western upside down where “terrorism” is as fluid of a term as the definition of a woman. Terrorists aren’t hostile foreigners mass murdering the citizens who were already here as a means to impose their 7th century way of life. Our leaders, media and cultural overlords have decided YOU are the true enemy. Your enemies are their new bosses, and therefore, more equal than you are.
In this week’s episode, I take you on a trip to Wokeistan, a place we used to call home.
from Newsbusters - Welcome to NewsBusters, a project of the Media Research Center (MRC), America’s leading media watchdog in documenting, exposing Follow News Busters
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Sourced by the Find us on telegram. Real News for Patriots of the United States of America. We share content that re-affirms our soulful connection to light, Truth, and the Constitutional God given rights of Freedom and Liberty.
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