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Lame-Brained NPR Can't Identify Any 'Extremism' on the Leftist Side #Political

We at NewsBusters have often explained that “public” broadcasters like NPR pay reporters to be “Extremism” correspondents, but strangely, the ideological spectrum seems to go from the “far right” extreme to some sort of center-left. They cannot seem to acknowledge with the slightest fraction of honesty that there is any identifiable or newsworthy extremism on the Left.

One new Exhibit A comes from NPR’s “Public Editor” Kelly McBride. In a February 20 article on "News Literacy," she attempted to explain how the taxpayer-funded radio network deploys their correspondents on the “extremism” beat.

NPR has covered a broad spectrum of extremist views. In January, Morning Edition host Leila Fadel interviewed extremism researcher Eviane Leidig about how some social media influencers embrace antifeminist and white nationalist views in their lifestyle content. A recent All Things Considered story by Odette Yousef, NPR's domestic extremism correspondent for the national security team, examined a political playbook against transgender people who are falsely identified as responsible for shootings and other tragedies like the recent collision between a military helicopter and a passenger plane. Last year NPR covered the response to extremism in European politics.

All of these are about right-wingers. NPR routinely cites "extremism experts" who themselves might be described as "hard left." NPR isn't going to find an "extremism expert" who's conservative to explain left-wing fanatics. The only nod to a conservative counterpoint came in this message: 

Timothy Larsen wrote on Dec. 12, 2024: I was surprised and disappointed that gatherings of politically conservative Christians for rally worship services during the election were being covered by a domestic extremism reporter. 

"Extremism" reporter Odette Yousef reported on October 12 about a prayer rally for "A Million Women." She said some Q-Anon people might attend, as well "the Moms for Liberty types, who've built influence through anti-LGBTQ campaigns. We'll also likely see people who want to see a national abortion ban."

Here's an intellectual exercise NPR refuses to attempt. If it's "extremist" to be "anti-LGBTQ," can anyone be a "pro-LGBTQ" extremist? If it's "extremist" to support a national abortion ban, is it "extremist" to ban all abortion bans and have national abortion on demand?

NPR's problem is that they live comfortably within the bubble of the left-wing extreme. So their most passionate left-wing ardor is sweet reason, and the opposing pole is crazy-pants dangerous extremists.

You can tell Part-Time McBride is having a problem describing the issue. Nowhere in this piece is even the word "left," or "progressive." There's one "liberal," and it's here: 

We asked [NPR national-security editor Andrew] Sussman for his thoughts on discerning between conservative Christianity and extremism. He said the team's framework for understanding whether a movement is extremist or not falls in line with many scholars and researchers who specialize in this topic.

"They define extremist movements as ones that adopt stark definitions of who is in the 'in-group,' and who is in the 'out-group,' and go further by advocating for harm (whether by violence, stripping of civil or human rights, or discrimination) to those in the out-group," he explained later in an email. "That harm element is key, and this falls far outside most ideologies and beliefs, be they liberal or conservative."

Once again, NPR is too ideological to see "harm" in aborting an unborn baby, or in amputating breasts and genitals of minors. What the right sees as violence, the left defends as "human rights."

But using this definition, NPR are the ones who offer stark definitions of the conservative "out-group," and seek to strip them of human rights (for say, making the mistake of setting foot in the Capitol on January 6). NPR celebrated "sedition hunters" identifying January 6 protesters. PBS later did the same. But they would never celebrate citizen "hunters" trying to assist the government in prosecuting Antifa activists or violent pro-Hamas leftists or climate-change vandals. 

When it comes to the left, NPR sounds blind. The network sees no extreme, and sees no evil.

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