PolitiFact Rates Musk Pants-on-Fire For Biden Ran 'Voter Importation Scam' Claim #Political

PolitiFact writers Maria Ramirez Uribe and Amy Sherman teamed up on Friday to give Elon Musk a “pants-on-fire” rating for his claim that former President Joe Biden’s immigration policy was “a giant voter importation scam.” To reach such a conclusion, the duo engaged in plenty of hyperliteralism and bad faith arguments.
Uribe and Sherman cited Musk's recent CPAC appearance where he declared, “That is why the Biden administration was pushing to get in as many illegals as possible and spend every dollar possible to get as many, because every one of them is a customer. Everyone's a voter. The whole thing was a giant voter importation scam."
The idea behind Musk’s claim is old and revolves around the idea that Democrats would be less tolerant of illegal immigration and “comprehensive immigration reform” where such illegal immigrants are granted citizenship if it was likely that they would vote Republican.
The authors first sought to rebut Musk by arguing Biden did not literally import them, “There were historically high levels of illegal immigration during the Biden administration, but there is no evidence that Biden ‘imported’ those people to become voters. Factors such as natural disasters and economic or political turmoil in a persons’ home country lead people to migrate.”
Of course, Musk just meant that Biden was unwilling to do anything about the border in the early days of his administration and instead was incentivizing it.
However, Uribe and Sherman continue, “Additionally, Musk’s statement ignored that the Biden administration removed and deported immigrants in the U.S. illegally, and it stepped up efforts in 2024 as he ran for reelection. (He dropped out in July.)”
Yes, at some point the bad polling became too much for Biden in an election year, but that doesn’t discredit Musk’s point. However, perhaps, the worst part of Uribe and Sherman’s post was when they tried to attack Musk on a point he actually agreed with them on, “Federal law requires U.S. citizenship to vote in national elections, and would-be voters sign a form that attests under penalty of perjury that they are citizens when they register to vote. The citizenship process takes several years.”
However, they also report, “Musk acknowledged at CPAC that it might take years for immigrants to gain citizenship, but it would be ‘an investment that is guaranteed to pay off.’"
Uribe and Sherman also tried to argue Musk is wrong because the Republican share of the Latino vote was higher in 2024 than in previous election cycles. While that is true, it does not follow that Musk deserves a pants-on-fire rating. Democrats are surely aware that is a problem for them, so PolitiFact should consider the possibility that Democrats’ less dovish stance on the border in recent months is because their perception of the political benefits has changed since the early days of the Biden presidency.
Finally, people ascribe negative motives to politicians all the time. People accuse Musk of attaching himself to Trump to enrich himself and his fellow “oligarchs.” There’s not any more evidence for that than there is of the most literal interpretation of Musk’s Biden claim, but PolitiFact doesn’t give them a pants-on-fire rating.
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